We haven't seen that with Windows but we have seen the same with OSX 10.10 
hosts. Not during auth but at some point while the users are working. Our 
suspicion is that the OSX host is failing re-auth or for whatever reason is 
being disconnected from it's preferred network then join's the best next on 
list....... However the client chooses. In this case potentially with no known 
networks available it's picking the best open network as it's probably 
instructed to do.

We haven't gone in-depth with it yet, seemingly small impact and many things to 
do. Likely we'll be logging a case with Apple in the next month.

Jason Cook
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph    : +61 8 8313 4800

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of David Gillett
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July 2015 6:07 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] SSID jumping with Win 8.1 (Surface Pro 3) on Aruba

  Anybody else seen this?  I've seen devices reconnect to the sane SSID as a 
previous session, and I believe I've seen them connect to an SSID that was "the 
only one visible."  But twice now, I've seen my Surface Pro 3, in the midst of 
logging in to our "primary" SSID, suddenly bring up the login page for our 
secondary "guest" Wi-Fi service, to which it had never previously been 
  Is this a Windpws 8.1 (mis)feature?  An Aruba bug?  A quirk of the wireless 
interface chip Microsoft chose to use in he Surface Pro 3?
   Or perhaps something else, stranger than I can imagine?

David Gillett CISSP CCNP

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