I ended up SNMP polling my Aruba controllers for their stat information.

As I don’t run our RADIUS systems, getting comparable stats from them is a bit 
challanging. The RADIUS server stats I have access to are in number of 
requests, where the Aruba MIB offers stats by complete auth.

You can see the results of the collection at [0], and if you are interest, the 
code is at [1].

[0] - http://drahtlos.dccs.upenn.edu/localhost/localhost/index.html#wireless
[1] - 

> On Oct 19, 2015, at 10:51 AM, Matthew Newton <m...@leicester.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 09:08:33PM +0000, Charles Rumford wrote:
>> I’m currently embarking on a project to determine the number of
>> RADIUS auths per minute each one of my controllers is generating
>> to plan for the capacity I need for my RADIUS servers.
>> I was curious if anyone has embarked on a similar journey and
>> tried to measure auth rates coming from their controllers?
> We feed our RADIUS logs into elasticsearch, which you can then
> query with kibana to get nice graphs of pretty much whatever you
> want from the logs, which of course includes requests, auth
> success, failures per second/minute, hour etc. We have several
> plots, one of which shows auths per sec for each controller in a
> stacked graph, as well as controller SNMP traps for RADIUS errors
> (so we can see when MSCHAP/Samba/AD is becoming overloaded...!).
> I bundled the basic config for detail files into the FreeRADIUS
> source:
> https://github.com/FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server/tree/v3.0.x/doc/schemas/logstash
> but that should work with any RADIUS server that writes out detail
> logs.
> The only downside to this approach as it stands is that it stores
> complete logs, so you probably want to rotate them out after a few
> months for privacy reasons, so you then lose the graphs. I've not
> looked yet but it should be easy in logstash to output the stats
> as well to graphite or similar to keep the basic counters around
> for longer. But this "downside" is of course a great benefit when
> you want to search for logs, as the result is nearly
> instantaneous.
> (Also feeding FreeRADIUS auth logs, Wireless Controller TRAPS and
> logs, and DHCP logs all in to the same elasticsearch index means
> you can get an excellent view across all your wireless logs when
> something goes wrong with a client.)
> As you're using FreeRADIUS you can also use the "status" virtual
> server to get stats out - see sites-available/status. You drive it
> by feeding RADIUS packets into the server (e.g. with radclient) on
> the status port and it responds with the data. Examples in the
> server file. They can then be plotted with $GRAPHER_OF_CHOICE.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
> --
> Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>
> Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
> I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom
> For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <ith...@le.ac.uk>
> **********
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Charles Rumford
Network Engineer/Senior Wireless Engineer
ISC Network Operations
University of Pennsylvania
OpenPGP Key ID: 0xF3D8215A
(p) 215-746-2808

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