Is both, to me. Block the worst clients as they are easy to find. But also use 
exclusion with very short timer to slow the effects way down while not 
penalizing good clients with odd auth behavior. :)

Thanks for sharing all this, Jake!

Lee Badman
Network Architect/Wireless TME
Syracuse University

-----Original Message-----
From: Jake Snyder []
Received: Wednesday, 09 Mar 2016, 17:35
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Recent Radius Meltdowns

I don't necessarily agree with the doc in all aspects.  My takeaway is that 
some failing clients can put a huge load on the RADIUS environment.  I've seen 
some clients sending 20 requests per second.  I think it's better to identify a 
client doing that through logging and block them individually rather than 
risking the exclusion.

Jake Snyder

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 9, 2016, at 1:53 PM, Lee H Badman 
<<>> wrote:

I have to disagree with 120 second client exclusion timer- that in itself can 
be devastating. I recommend 5 or 10 seconds.

Lee Badman
Network Architect/Wireless TME
Syracuse University

-----Original Message-----
From: Jake Snyder [<>]
Received: Wednesday, 09 Mar 2016, 16:05
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Recent Radius Meltdowns

Just wanted to throw this out to the educause community to see if others are 
seeing this.  Although this is not ultimately a problem with Higher Ed, the 
large scale RADIUS deployments in higher ed resulting in more impact

Several weeks ago we had a higher ed customer who's Radius environment started 
periodically melting down.  The customer was running Cisco Infrastructure and 
ACS 5.x on the back end.

In terms of changes, there were no recent changes to either the wireless 
network, or RADIUS environment.  The only recent change was patches applied to 
the Windows environment.

Ultimately, the cause was found to be the AD environment was taking an 
excessive time responding to NTLM authentications.  There was no ultimate fix 
found, but troubleshooting led us to the changing the MaxConcurrentAPI on the 
windows servers. which ultimately helped enough to eliminate the problem from a 
daily occurrence.

About a week later, this same customer reported to me that visiting another 
university campus that their RADIUS environment was also experiencing these 

Fast forward a couple weeks, I had a public utility customer seeing this same 
issue.  Suddenly flags went off that this is wider spread that just a couple 
Higher Ed customers.

Now i'm sitting at #ATM16 and talking with other Higher Ed engineer and a large 
retail customer, it MAY be impacting non-cisco infrastructure as well.  My 
assumption is anything performing

Below are some of the links that talk about this change to the MaxConcurentAPI. 
 I believe these two customers made changes anywhere from 2 to 20.  I know some 
of these customers are on this educause   I'm not advocating a specific value, 
i assume that different environments will need different values.

Hopefully this helps anyone who has started to see these issues in the last few 
weeks.  Also, if you're having this, please reply and let the community know 
infrastructure, radius and possibly AD environment versions.

Also, for the Cisco folks, here's a great doc that you should read.

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