We are running (have some old APs that can't be moved up; hopefully 
they will be gone soon). From my SHOW RADIUS QUEUE I think I am good;

(GP-UMC-1) >show radius queue

Max Radius Queues Per Server..................... 16

Source Port numbers used........................ 32770 32771 32772 32773 32774 
32775 32776 32777 32778 32779 32780 32781 32782 32783 32784 32785

Max Radius Buffers Available..................... 8128

Currently number of Buffers consumed............ 0

Radius Authentication Messages Stats

Total Auth Req sent(allocated).................. 354072

Total Auth Resp rcvd(freed)..................... 354072

Total Auth Req Pkts Dropped(no buffer).......... 0

Radius Accounting Messages Stats

Total Acct Req sent(allocated).................. 8306

Total Acct Resp rcvd(freed)..................... 8306

Total Acct Req Pkts Dropped(no buffer).......... 0

(GP-UMC-1) >

Thanks for the heads-up though.

John Watters
Network Engineer, Office of Information Technology
The University of Alabama<https://www.ua.edu/>
A115 Gordon Palmer Hall
Box 870346
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone 205-348-3992<tel:205-348-3992>
[The University of Alabama]<https://www.ua.edu/>

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Earl Barfield
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Radius Transaction Times

> Date:    Fri, 5 May 2017 14:19:47 +0000

> From:    "Watters, John" <john.watt...@ua.edu<mailto:john.watt...@ua.edu>>

> Subject: Re: Radius Transaction Times


> We have been having RADIUS problems for a while. After a lot of cussing and 
> gnashing of teeth I got the RADIUS folks to build three new servers (all 
> virtual). These were put into the same IP address spaces as our Cisco 8510 
> controllers. We are running MPLS with our campus divided into three areas, 
> soon to become four since we acquired 100+ acres of adjacent land that used 
> to be the State mental health hospital complex). The WLCs, RADIUS servers, 
> and APs are all in a global VRF in each area. In addition these new RADIUS 
> servers (running FreeRadius) had code upgrades that provided caching which 
> cut down dramatically on their calls to our LDAP servers (we do not use AD 
> for this function). We have found that the new RADIUS servers perform well 
> enough to drastically cut down our timeout & retry values. And, they are not 
> failing over to the other listed RADIUS servers at all. I have been looking 
> at the stats, adding the results into a spreadsheet for comparison, and 
> resetting the stats on a daily basis for about a week now. Very impressive 
> results compared to what they were in the past. Zero failovers to the backup 
> RADIUS servers) Now, the slow RADIUS performers are the few where we allow 
> areas to run their own RADIUS authentication (e.g., Athletics and a State 
> funded traffic accident center).



> The following are stats for the last 24 hours for the primary RADIUS servers 
> in each MPLS area. Note that our last day of finals was yesterday. So overall 
> usage is down somewhat from previous days.



> All controllers are 8510s running Cisco due to a few older APs that 
> we are phasing out this summer.


We also run Cisco controllers and freeradius with Active Directory back0-end.

We had horrible horrible HORRIBLE radius performance problems back

around 8.0 code.   I forget the exact version but the version that

fixed it introduced the concept of what Cisco calls "radius queues" but it 
really just a range of UDP source ports to distribute the queries across.

Run this command on your controller:  'show radius queue'

If you don't see multiple Source Ports, then upgrade WLC code **ASAFP**

>  >show radius queue


> Max Radius Queues Per Server..................... 8  Source Port

> numbers used........................ 32769 32770 32771 32772 32773

> 32774 32775 32776


> Max Radius Buffers Available..................... 4064  Currently

> number of Buffers consumed............ 1


> Radius Authentication Messages Stats

>  Total Auth Req sent(allocated).................. 71786156  Total Auth

> Resp rcvd(freed)..................... 71786155  Total Auth Req Pkts

> Dropped(no buffer).......... 0


> Radius Accounting Messages Stats

>  Total Acct Req sent(allocated).................. 0  Total Acct Resp

> rcvd(freed)..................... 0  Total Acct Req Pkts Dropped(no

> buffer).......... 0

The problem that we had was, when classes changed and everyone moved locations 
and then reconnected to Wifi, more than 256 login

conversations were going on at once.    This overflowed the radius_id

8-bit counter and confused the controller and radius server about which user 
was being authed.

Since radius is UDP and does not have a TCP session to keep track, the only 
unique identifiers are the source IP, source mac, dest ip, dest

mac and radius_id 8-bit counter.   Since the source and dest it always

the same, the 8-bit counter is all you've got.

The controller would flush both conversations and force them to restart

auth which cascaded out of control.   Then it would failover to another

radius server and start spewing all the half-completed auth conversations at 
the new radius server which, of course, had no knowledge of the partially 
completed conversations.  Thus, this radius server would fail out and the WLC 
would go on to the next.

Wifi was unusable for upwards of five or ten minutes at the top of each hour.  
Natives were gathering at the door with pitchforks and knives.

We were scared.


Earl Barfield -- Academic & Research Tech / Information Technology Georgia 
Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

Internet: earl.barfi...@oit.gatech.edu<mailto:earl.barfi...@oit.gatech.edu>    


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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/discuss.

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