ClearPass will auto-generate an internal WebAuth request by default after a 
device registration.

Create a service to accept this request and issue a disconnect message to the 
controller to force a reauthentication.

See these screenshots for the service config, it’s very basic. You only need 
the enforcement profiles for the NADs you’re using.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of "Sweetser, Frank E" 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Move In/Opening Week- Any Problems?

The canonical answer is to set up Clearpass to do a RADIUS COA to proactively 
change the device role when it's registration status gets updated.  That way it 
should happen pretty much immediately, rather than having to wait for a timeout.

Frank Sweetser
Director of Network Operations
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
"For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, elegant, and wrong." - 
HL Mencken

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of Michael Davis <>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2017 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Move In/Opening Week- Any Problems?

Thanks.. I believe it turned out to be devices sticking in the "preauth" role 
were not yet registered.  The commonality of all the epsons focused on them 
of the issue.  They're defensive IP policy must have been triggered by the 
down role.

Does anyone know offhand, how to ageout devices quickly from a preauth role 
not the default system preauth role.


On 8/26/17 4:05 PM, Michael Dickson wrote:
Just a thought but do you have multiple helper addresses configured for that 
vlan/subnet? I'm wondering if maybe the printers aren't expecting that. Another 
random thought, if they're not broadcasting for a lease because they require a 
static could they have maybe all self-assigned themselves the same IP and are 
discovering each other over L2?

Good luck. We're pretty much going down the same CPPM/Airgroup path right now.


Michael Dickson
Network Engineer
Information Technology
University of Massachusetts Amherst
PGP: 0x16777D39

On Aug 26, 2017, at 3:18 PM, Michael Davis 
<<>> wrote:
First Semester supporting mDNS in production with Aruba Clearpass Airgroup.

Almost every Epson XP series printer is complaining of duplicate IP addresses
which of course is not the case.  Anyone see anything similar?  There are a few
older web searches about Epson's requiring a static IP, which isn't an option 
now unfortunately.

Only Freshmen moving in today (~5K), the bulk (~20K) will arrive tomorrow and
throughout the week.

Four 7240 controllers
~3200 APs
Three primary SSIDs: eduroam, Devices, Guest (clearpass)


On 8/25/17 9:22 AM, Lee H Badman wrote:
It might be beneficial to share notes in case other schools are hitting common 
problems. I’m wondering how everyone who is in the thick of it is faring with 

On this end, we are doing OK halfway to our expected total daily peak clients 
(we’re at 15K now high water mark).

Our significant WLAN-related changes since end of Spring semester
·         Running 8.2.151 on our 8540s
·         Significant quantities of Wave 2 APs
·         ISE as RADIUS (only, no NAC, no onboarding)

No changes to:
·         our guest WLAN (Clearpass/an Aruba controller pair)
·         onboarding (Cloudpath Wiz)
·         overall topology
·         open network in dorms for gadgets
·         non-use of AVC, it crapped out and never got solved after hundreds of 
hours with TAC

·         We haven’t yet hit the scale that will reveal problems with any of 
the newer stuff listed above

Anyone else care to share?


Lee Badman | Network Architect

Certified Wireless Network Expert (#200)
Information Technology Services
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   f 315.443.4325   e<> w<>

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