For a student population that will only be with the institution for 4 years, 
and then spend the next 60 years using WiFi options with lower barriers and 
potentially a little more risk, are EDU’s getting it wrong? Are we too focused 
on something with low risk while ignoring other higher risk issues? At the 
point one needs complicated provisioning tools, your userbase sees only 
barriers, and then wonders why the other 99% of places they frequent don’t 
require such inconveniences.

The key is a _realistic_ risk assessment. There are plenty of examples outside 
of technology e.g. the lock on your doors, where it’s a given there are no 
silver bullets and we choose based on risk vs cost.  Do you spend thousands of 
dollars to put Bowley locks on your doors, or accept that in most situations, 
the $20 kwickset locks are good enough?  As a bad actor, why would I spend time 
trying to compromise a WiFi network, when it’s far easier to send your 
organization phishing emails? Phishing can be done remotely and exploit the 
greatest weakest (humans).  A successful phish/compromise and I’m well past the 
front door, the expensive locks, and enjoying a beer from your refrigerator.

According to by eduroam guest reports, PEAP still dominates everything else at 
89.7% vs 8.3% for EAP-TLS and 1.97% for EAP-TTLS. I don’t know that I’d call 
that legacy, and while it does have weakness, how would one compare it to an 
institution that may not have the best security controls around their 
provisioning tools? A compromise of one’s provisioning tool, say because of 
admins using weak passwords and/or no MFA, may present a higher security risk 
than the use of PEAP.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

My old colleagues likely won’t be happy with me saying this, but given the 
industry changes, I think you should collectively pressure NAC vendors to make 
device provisioning part of the core product without the need for additional 
licensing (at least for EDU).


From: Tim Tyler<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 12:39
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

Yes, I always find this conversation to be interesting.  There are many 
institutions that can’t afford an on-boarding solution.   Hence, the certs 
usually get ignored since most configurations are manual or semi-automatic.  
And my thought is that mac address registration would eliminate the 
vulnerability of user’s credentials via network authentication.  So this is 
something I keep thinking might be better than 802.1x if certs are going to get 
ignored anyways.
  But the recent conversation on mac addresses potentially becoming dynamic 
will make me strongly hesitate on this thought.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of Tim Cappalli
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

Correct, some versions of operating systems do not support a self-signed EAP 
server certificates.

It is also just a bad idea as you can’t renew it without re-onboarding devices. 
If you use at least 1 issuer, you can cycle the certificate without updating 

PEAP (and EAP-TTLS) should never be used on unmanaged devices unless a security 
assessment has been done and its been determined that credential exposure is an 
acceptable risk to the organization.

I feel like this conversation surfaces multiple times per year. So here’s the 

If able, EAP-TLS should be used for all user-centric device network access. 
This then implies an organizationally controlled PKI is used to issue the EAP 
server certificate.
If EAP-TLS is not feasible and a legacy, known vulnerable EAP method like PEAP 
is going to be used, it is highly recommended that a supplicant provisioning 
wizard be used. This would also use an organizationally controlled PKI for the 
EAP server certificate. Your information security team should determine whether 
credential exposure is an acceptable risk for the organization.
If EAP-TTLS/PAP or EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 are used, a supplicant provisioning wizard 
is required for Apple operating systems. This would also use an 
organizationally controlled PKI for the EAP server certificate. Your 
information security team should determine whether credential exposure is an 
acceptable risk for the organization.
If you decide to use an EAP server certificate from a public CA, expect 
problems every year.

General summary
         Always use a PKI in your control for the EAP server identity so you’re 
able to renew the server     certificate without any risk of a chain change or 
enforcement of restrictions intended for browsers

If you must use legacy password-based authentication, use a supplicant 
provisioning wizard (but        realize this does not remove all risk as you 
can’t force users to use it)

         If users configure their own supplicant for password-based 
authentication or blindly accept a certificate prompt, you should assume that 
their credentials have been comprised

Also one quick update regarding Android: Android 11 will not restrict EAP 
server certificates to Chrome’s 1 year lifetime.


From: Dennis Xu<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 12:12
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

Hi Tim,

Can you please further elaborate the issues with self-signed certs vs private 
CA signed certs besides the manageability stuffs?

I understand some OSes cannot connect if using self-signed cert for PEAP 
authentication, unless using on-boarding solutions to configure them to trust 
the cert. I am not sure if the private CA signed cert makes any difference on 

Below is from the FreeRADIUS EAP configuration file:
                #  Trusted Root CA list
                #  ALL of the CA's in this list will be trusted
                #  to issue client certificates for authentication.
                #  In general, you should use self-signed
                #  certificates for 802.1x (EAP) authentication.
                #  In that case, this CA file should contain
                #  *one* CA certificate.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Mike Atkins
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

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Good clarification, thanks.  In previous discussions, our identity group 
mentioned using PKI that they use for other systems.

Note to self, be careful what you ask for.

Mike Atkins
Network Engineer
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Tim Cappalli
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

Got it.

Just to clarify, a self-signed EAP server certificate should never be used. A 
server certificate issued by a PKI under your control is the best deployment 
practice (which is not the same as a self-signed certificate).


From: Mike Atkins<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:31
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

We use the public certificates for users that do not use our onboarding 
utility.  We use a public root certificate that is in pretty much all operating 
systems.  Fortunately or unfortuanately, some operating systems still want to 
walk the entire chain so we onboard with the root and intermediate.

Our information security group had concerns about users just accepting security 
prompts for certificates.  Using a self-signed cert that expires far into the 
future sounds better each day.

Mike Atkins
Network Engineer
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
On Behalf Of Tim Cappalli
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

If you’re already onboarding your users, why do you continue to use a public 

A public EAP server cert should only be used when a “walk-up” enter your 
username/password experience is desired (of course that’s after your 
organization has decided that credential exposure is not a concern).


From: Mike Atkins<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:34
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates 
affecting 802.1X?

We were burnt last December by an updated cert with the same cert chain and
still not trusted by some devices/operating systems.  We learned documents
that referenced changes to the default web browser on an operating system
ended up with a modification in the operating system that matched the web
browser's changed behavior.  I think this is the same experience Christopher
is referencing.  We ended up having to re-onboard all of our devices at the
very last minute.  We spent more time than we should have to try to avoid
onboarding devices mid-semester when our cert expired.  (this happened right
around finals of course)

Our identity group is buying a cert to test with a month in advance. They
then cancel/revoke that cert to get money back and then order the production
cert.  This is to best ensure we test with the right root/intermediate
certificate authorities that will be on our production cert.  We still lose
about a week on the production cert between testing and install.  Ideally,
we would keep the yearly cert installation during the summer but time is
against us.

Mike Atkins
Network Engineer
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv
On Behalf Of Johnson, Christopher
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates
affecting 802.1X?

I think it's going to "depend" on each Operating System for the 802.1X
authentications being affected.

The information below is more of just an FYI on what I've observed (cause I
imagine someone's going to say - If I'm going through the trouble of
installing a public Root CA that already exists - then why not go ahead and
use a Private CA).

1. Apple specifically states "This change will affect only TLS server
certificates issued from the Root CAs preinstalled with iOS, iPadOS, macOS,
watchOS, and tvOS." - so that makes me wonder if you install a public Root
CA via a mobile config for example for iOS - does that exempt it from the 1
year limitation then?

2. Chrome OS though (at least from the behavior I've seen) you can't install
a public Root that already exists on to the OS.

I don't think I would trust those "possible exceptions though". One of the
annoying things I felt with Android and Chromebook for certificate
management was If I go into the device and "Disable/Turn Off the
certificates/Set to Not Use" - then all portions of the Operating System
should not use those certificates regardless. However, from what I saw, even
if I disable some of the Public CAs - the wireless supplicant still seems to
trust them.

Christopher Johnson
Wireless Network Engineer
Office of Technology Solutions | Illinois State University
(309) 438-8444

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-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv
On Behalf Of Tim Tyler
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates
affecting 802.1X?

[This message came from an external source. If suspicious, report to<><>]

I was told by Sertigo that all commercial certs would be affected.  We just
bought the last 2 year expirations we could get away with for both 802.1x
and https.

The reason I am told has to do with so many smaller establishments that go
out of business before their cert expires leaving the cert as a security
vulnerability for consumers.  I just wish there was a way to allow for the
longer certs for those of us that have a long history of existence and
stability.  Such a pain.

And I am told they are debating quarterly cert replacements in the future.
That would turn cert management into a much bigger responsibility if that
were to happen.  Hopefully that doesn’t happen.

And yes, if you want to manage EAP with your own self cert, I believe you
can use a longer expiration.

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 8:29 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] New certificate expiration for certificates
affecting 802.1X?

Does anyone know if the new, shorter certificate expiration for TLS that
Apple announced (and Google is following) will affect 802.1X authentication?

Andrew Gallo
The George Washington University

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