What I have experienced is that 30% or better is usually a solid signal quality. 15% or better is usually a solid signal strength. I have never figured out a "%" to "dbm" translation. The web-only non-snmp interface is my least favorite thing about 2611 CB3 Deluxes.

My most favorite thing about them is the price. 2611's inside rootennas are my typical installation. With all hardware and mounting brackets, masts, etc, I am laying out less than $200 per install, and paying the installer contractor $125.. I have around 200 deployed like what you are describing. I have almost 100 more clients with different CPE.

I like the features of the Tranzeos, the Smartbridges, etc etc, but at $100 more per CPE, my 200 2611 clients would have cost me $20k more. If anyone can tell me another way to get a 36db POE client for less than $150 PLEASE contact me off list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A note of caution/education to pass along to anyone implementing the rootenna/cb3 combination: If the rootenna is one of the revisions that doesn't have a grounding clip to pull out [to make contact with the back bracket] put in a ground wire from the front to the back, and ground the pole. Un-Grounded, the static discharge from a nearby lightning will often leave the 2511 radio card [inside the 2611 bridge] in a in-sensitive state.

I learned that the hard way.

Pete Davis

Jason wrote:

Guys (& gals),

Has anyone worked with the Senao 2611 Deluxe Plus/Rootenna combo? How do you interpret the "Communications Quality %" and the "Signal Strength %" values? What are some typical numbers that you like to see/know will work (maybe break it down by thru-put)? Right now I have an 8 mile link with 28% quality and 16% signal strength. It's sticking to 11Mbits/sec, but I have no way to test the throughput at the moment.


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