You may want to look at  Their "BumbleBee" unit
does 900, 2.4, and 5.8.  It interfaces with a PDA, so that gives you
an idea of the size.  I don't own one yet, but I will (hopefully)
someday soon.  I do have their "Butterfly" power meter and I wouldn't
give it up for anything now that I have one !!

Brad Hagstrom
Jenco Wireless

On 1/5/06, Butch Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Jenco Wireless wrote:
> >Wow.  For the rental price on some of those you can buy one from
> >BVS Systems.  I rented one (I can't remember the name but it was an
> >expensive unit) for $250 per week from Wave Rider.  If I remember
> >right (it has been a while), it at least covered 900 and 2.4.  You
> >should probably have some antennas of your own ready to go for
> >testing when you get the unit.  It is a big and expensive unit, so
> >don't plan on carrying it up a tower !
> You could, also, talk to Marlon.  He has one for rent, or used to.
> Also, if you are looking to buy, he is able to sell you one through
> Electrocom.  The Avcom units are pretty useful, and easy to use.
> The one that I have is built for 2.4GHz only, but they have adapters
> to add 600-1000MHz and 5-6 GHz.  These are VERY lightweight units.
> I have carried mine up a tower with very little effort.  Marlon's
> rental SA is NOT lightweight at all.  :-)
> --
> Butch Evans
> BPS Networks
> Bernie, MO
> Mikrotik Certified Consultant
> (
> --
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