Great Topic,  this is something I have been working hard at lately and would be interested in everyone’s input as well.  Here are some of the ways we have advertised our service.


Yards signs

This is my favorite.  In the areas that we KNOW qualify for service, Yard Signs is a great way for us to directly market our service to potential customers.  For one we know we can get them service, so there is no need to do site surveys.  We can schedule that person’s install right away, which makes a good impression when the customer calls.  The other thing that we love about yard signs, they are a constant reminder to those passing by of what we are offering.


Door Hangers

Door Hangers is about as direct as you can get, which I am all for, but we haven’t had any real success using them.  I imagine they get lost in the credit card apps and end up in the trash after a quick glance.  The return WE have gotten off of Yard Signs is not worth the paper they were printed on, not to mention all the extra work walking around, and the risk of getting mauled by neighborhood dogs. 



About every quarter we spam our current Dial-Up and DSL customers in hopes to convert those to Wireless.  It is an inexpensive way of getting the word out.  I don’t have any real numbers to quote on our success with that, but it really doesn’t matter because it’s free.


Company Web Site

I don’t have the percentages, but I always make a point of asking customers where they heard about us.  Believe it or not, I have had a bunch of new installs because of our website add.


Working with your Partners

As you grow, you start to get an idea of how to take advantage of every opportunity, or at least I have.  For example, in our last lease contract with the Water Company, we offered them a set monthly lease rate ($100), and on top of that we agreed to pay them $1 extra for every customer that we serviced from their tank.  This gave them an incentive to help us grow.  They have helped us market our service to their customers by way of news letters, billing statements, and word of mouth.  It has proven to be a very good deal for both parties.  It is a good thing when we are sending them a couple hundred dollars a month in royalty checks.  Get creative!!!



We have been invited, by the local Amateur Radio club, to be apart of their filed day event here in town.  With the emphasis being on how our industry could quickly provide data services in emergency situations.  It should be a fun time, and give us an opportunity to spread the word.  Maybe try getting something going for the county fair in your town, or other special events.


Referral Programs

Give away a month of free internet to customers that get you customers. 


Word of Mouth

This is the most important marketing plan you will have, and the one you have no direct control over.  Make a great product, support it well, and be available to get it to the public, and you will have great Word of Mouth.  Don’t be afraid to eat a few dollars to make a customer happy.  Often we will fix PCs, configure devices, and basically go the extra mile for our customers.  Make sure when you leave their home, they have a smile on their face.


This is some of the things we have tried, and I hope it helps, good luck!!



-----Original Message-----
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: [WISPA] How do you market your WISP


I am in the final stages of design and have begun to guild my WISP.  I was wondering what the most effective methods were for marketing?
I was thinking of using the mail, possibly arranging a demo in a parking lot, flyers, and of course adding my company name to the lists on the internet.

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