Sam Tetherow wrote:

Given what the article cites I don't see it being a severe burden on a small ISP. All that I see mentioned in the article is the ability to track what IP belongs to what customer over a period of time. If you can't track that on your network, how do you manage to troubleshoot problems or deal with security concerns such as a virus/trojan or other inappropriate/malicious behavior on your network?

I think most people here track who has what address. Otherwise how could you possibly run your network? What they likely do not do is keep logs of who had what address three years ago. Or when IP address "A" changed to IP address "B" for customer "1" or "2". Without that legacy data the IP information provided could be inaccurate. In fact the only way it could be 100% accurate is if the request was in real time - ie. FBI calls ISP and asks who is using X.X.X.X IP address right now.

This never happens so the issue is how long should we have to keep this log information? Should we have to keep it at all? Should we simply use DNS to assign names to addresses for all users which are kept up to date then by us? (Names of customers as "A" records for all IPs) Then the person can be identified by DNS name in real time and leave the rest to Uncle Sam. After all we do not need to be telling Uncle Sam how to use DNS right? A sound argument by many could be made that a user of a "public" IP address should involve "public" disclosure via DNS of who a user of an address is. Please note I am not saying this is the way it should be necessarily. Only that this may well be a way to produce the needed result of government to track wrongdoers and the ISPs to not have to maintain lengthy log files of who had what address when.

That being said I don't want anyone to construe that I am for this legislation in ANY form. If the government wants to know what my subscribers are doing, they can get a court order and I will gladly log the customer covered under the court order for the period described by the court order.

The question on that topic is not whether or not a court should be able to access information. I think that is obvious. The real question is what should we be obligated to make available (email, web sites browsed, chats, etc.) We cannot really do much to help the government see where people go. I do not think that should be our job or any of our business as ISPs.

This needs to be fought not on a technical basis, but on a rights basis. The technical issues can solved over time and then where would we be.

Let's look at a rights basis then. Should people who use a "public" Internet be able to be anonymous via the connection of their ISP? If this "right" is taken away (right of personal anonymity online) then I think we need to make sure every person knows this when it happens so the "thought police" do not start throwing people in jail for what they read and think. Many argue that we have this problem already with some of the pornography cases where people have been put in prison for what they saw on the Internet. I agree that these are important issues to address. Rights does need to be the basis. Technology is not as important as rights.

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless

Mark Koskenmaki wrote:

Why? Because it will severely burden smaller ISP's that lack the network
infrastructure to do this.

Is WISPA lobbying against this? It will be nearly impossible for most of us in the wireless business to do this, without major restructuring, or a
huge expense that we can't afford.

----- Original Message ----- From: "George Rogato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: [WISPA] WHY?
Why would Qwest want ISP's to have to retain this data?


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