Tuesday, December 12, 2006 ยท Last updated 12:21 p.m. PT

Study: Broadband big with home Web users


NEW YORK -- More than three-quarters of residential Web users got on the Internet using a high-speed broadband connection in November, according to a study released Tuesday.

The 78 percent broadband penetration rate for U.S. homes represents a jump from 65 percent a year earlier, Nielsen/NetRatings found.

The research company said broadband users spent 33 percent more time online than dial-up users - nearly 35 hours for the month, compared with 26 hours and some change for dial-up. Broadband users also viewed twice as many Web pages.

Games, instant messaging, e-mail and social networking were among the leading activities among high-speed users.

"What most of these Web sites have in common is that they engage the consumer for an extended period of time by offering a way to connect with others," said Carolyn Creekmore, Nielsen/NetRatings' senior director of media analytics.
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