It also means that at some point organization will have to be established with committees to handle recruiting new, paid members; vendors; etc.

Vendors need to get ROI - pay back on the membership fee.
Vendors need member support, just as members need Vendor support.

If you have a favorite vendor, why not ask them to join WISPA?
It's your org and you need to help it grow and thrive as well.
(It's not just the Board who's unpaid job it is to do all the heavy lifting).

I have been on the Board at 2 ISP associations (names withheld on purpose :).
Members always complain about the dues.
My suggestion was that we reduce the dues based on hours spent working for the ORG. So if you were active on 2 committees, perhaps your dues were reduced by 50 or 65%.
Just a thought to bat around.

Same with a vendor. Some vendors cannot cost justify $1000 per year.
For instance, a DSL modem company would have to move 1000 modems or more to ROI the membership fee.

Just some early morning ramblings.

- Peter @ RAD-INFO, Inc.

Mac Dearman wrote:

Welcome Jeff - J.C and whole ImageStream gang!

I don't know what the rest of you guys/gal's think, but to me - - WISPA is
gaining ground, industry recognition and respect amongst our peer's. When we
have quality vendors (such as we have) coming on-board it tells me that we
will soon have the tools in the arsenal to really make a huge difference in
the industry that we are a part of. The future looks very bright - indeed.

Mac Dearman

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