We look at three primary things when addressing backhaul needs...
They are in order:
1. Path Analysis and Distance, Without LOS between the two desired sites
usually you can kiss the link goodbye. If there is LOS then how far we are
shooting helps determine antenna sizes.

2. Frequency Usage on site - Again helps determine the radio type.

3. Capacity - Helps determine radio type.

Figure out where you are shooting from and to.
If that is OK then find out what frequencies are in use at those sites.
Then know how much Bandwidth you will need or want.

To address your specific questions.
I would check with your current provider and ask them upgrade questions.
They may be able to provide you with a fractional DS3 at really attractive
rates. If they can't provide that then ask them if they recommend a carrier
in your area. I would then need to look further at your network to determine
best backhaul to the different legs of the network.

Transport of choose is 5.8Ghz radios and then probably licensed.

Distances are form 0-40+ miles. The farther you shoot the better the
planning and budgeting needs to be. Typical links seem to be between 5-20

Bandwidth - Licensed can be out of this world fast but you are probably
looking at unlicensed, 18-54Mbs over the air which translates to about 10-35
actual throughputs max. We would base that need on planned growth over a one
to two year period.

Cost = Cheap - very expensive. All based on need. How much do you want to

John Rock
ACC, Inc., Wireless Connections Division
ACCessing the Future Today!!
ph. 419.668.4080 x2234
fax 419-668-4077
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 10:09 AM
To: wireless@wispa.org
Subject: [WISPA] Wireless Backhaul - Where Do I Begin?



   I'm looking out about 6 months and expect to run out of bandwidth with my
current T1 line.  That's the good news because it means that I have more
demand than supply.  My niche is that I serve the rural community and
getting bandwidth out here is a challenge.  I would like to begin planning
for an expanded service area but the first problem I need to solve is the
acquisition of more bandwidth.  


   I think the most likely solution would be for a wireless backhaul but I
have no idea where to begin.  Since you all have helped so much in the past,
I figured this forum would at least set me on the correct path.  Questions I
have include:  Who are the cost-effective providers?  What's the transport
medium of choice?  What kinds of distances are available?  What is the unit
of bandwidth - 45Mbps? And what costs are to be expected?


   As usual, thanks in advance for any and all responses!


Regards, Jim in Kansas City..


Jim Stout

LTO Communications, LLC

15701 Henry Andrew Dr

Pleasant Hill, MO 64080

(816) 987-6329 - Home

(816) 305-1076 - Mobile


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