Maybe it is very costly to do? Charter Pipeline service in my market is not multi-homed either. Neither am I at this point. I used to be multi-homed in the days when 2 T1s did the job. It is not easy to swing redundant fiber runs in a town that is 75 miles from the nearest telco-hotel. When I get multi-homed fibers here then I will probably do that through a mini-telco-hotel facility here and make that place a new business opportunity in itself.

Matt Liotta wrote:

It does make you wonder why the ISP in question wasn't multi-homed.


Tim Wolfe wrote:

Thank The good Lord above that I never signed the TelCove contract for bandwidth last year!. I mean, you really have no idea what the local provider was doing wrong, but to turn off a school district and fire CO on that system, COME ON!. You can bet the lawsuits from the school district alone will make Level 3 think twice about doing this again?. If you have an offending server, the stupid thing has an IP address, Block it!. I would hope that Level 3 has enough smarts to do this?. Even a little guy like me knows how to block an offending IP address, and I am stupid, LOL!

Matt Liotta wrote:

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