Rich Comroe wrote:
< SNIP >
Yeah, but ...
Location Free, Slingbox, etc., do quite nicely on much much less BW.  Is IPTV 
really that much of a hog that it needs 1.25Mbps?  How could it possibly 
compete against products out there already that use only a tenth of this BW?

The items that use 1/10th the bandwidth are not made to be displayed on a 42" HD monitor. As an example watch youtube videos on your system and see if you would be willing to use it for everyday show viewing. There are certain things that can be low resolution, most news programs for instance. However, most people would prefer Desperate Housewives in 1080p HD especially if they shelled out the bucks for the TV that will do it.

Honestly, what, other than content on demand (and I mean really on demand not available ever 15 minutes for the next week), does IPTV offer over regular broadcast TV?

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless
WISPA Wireless List:



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