
As to form 477 and CALEA, no, no one has spoken of making membership contingent on their position on these issues.

But, I do recall a discussion, on this list, 'Dealing with bad players', starting on Feb 8, that basically proposed requiring the use of stickered equipment to be a member. Not sure what became of it.

George Rogato wrote:

Blair Davis wrote:

Because at WISPA, we don't have to all think the same and have the same opinions all in step. We're not clones. We're individuals who each have our own beliefs and run our operation individually, sometimes uniquely And fortunately WISPA is an organization made up of individuals who do NOT want to make you think a certain way. WISPA doesn't want to run your business or tell you how to run your business. We're just working for the common ground that will benefit all wisps, not just some wisps.

Another good thing is, with such as small membership, those who decide to participate can have an impact or effect.

And as I understand it there is many openings on various committees.

As for 477, CALEA, and certified equipment, that all came out of the FCC's horses mouths. All we can do is help people comply. But you don't see WISPA wanting to deny membership to those that does NOT comply.

I Believe if WISPA was to go down the path of dictating what a wispa member was required to do, it would be wrong. We would loose our individualism and that won't teach us anything new. I've fought this thinking in the board room. We are not here to alienate each other but to find a common ground.

If you have a real difference of opinion, rather than hold it against anyone or keep it to yourself, you should express your self and not hold it against anyone for disagreeing or having a different opinion. I think most people here are not going to loose their respect for each other over a difference of opinion.

Anyways WISPA is an opportunity to participate.

Two months ago, we were ready to join WISPA. At the time, I felt that WISPA had proven its longevity and was becoming a mature voice for the WISP's. But, after the form 477 issue, FCC sticker issue, and now the CALEA issue, I'm pretty sure that I disagree with the majority of the members on what stance should be taken on these issues.

That being the case, why should I still join?

Blair Davis
West Michigan Wireless ISP

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