On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 14:07 -0500, John Scrivner wrote:
> Is anyone else getting tired of sorting through the exhaustive amount of 
> email we are getting on the public list? Much of it is good stuff but I 
> think we see some people who are posting more than we need to all see. I 
> am thinking we should consider a post count limit per day per person. I 
> would like to hear feedback on this concept. 

I think limiting posts would be a last resort fix to the problem. 

Believe it or not, this is a common problem on almost all email lists.

The main problem is a lack of netiquette on this list. Good email
manners, would fix the problem.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette  read Usenet and Email topics

This is a list of the common annoyances I see on this list, 

1) If you are replying to every message in a thread, STOP, Think, Let
others respond, read, then reply.

2) DON'T Start a new thread by hitting reply to the last message in
another thread and changing the Subject line. It is bad form, and will
show up wrong in the mailing list archives and some people's email
client (mine).  If you want to branch the subject prefix with your new
topic and was:  eg.  "Email List Etiquette WAS: Posting Limits?"

3) Remember this list is public, indexed by google.  What you post here,
much like MySpace it is going to be around for a very long time.  Also
remember this list is the public face of Wispa, if we want to _not_ be
treated like cowboys by others (Telcos, FCC, Govnmt, etc), don't act
like cowboys on the list.

4) DON'T troll.  Trolls look for fights, they argue for the sake of
arguing, they reduce conversations to personal attacks. 

One more thing, If you haven't watch/listened to it yet (do it twice):

System Administrator

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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