Sam Tetherow wrote:
I don't want to drag this topic up again, BUT ;) Two years ago, did this apply to ISPs or just VOIP providers? I don't remember anyone on the lists talking about CALEA being for anything other than VOICE in various forms, but maybe my memory is selective, wouldn't be the first and probably won't be the last time.
That was my point... no one was talking about it until it was too late. No blame meant; just pointing out that we collectively missed our opportunity.
I strongly disagree with this. I am currently not operating under safe harbor, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to do so in the future. I strongly believe that there should be an open CALEA standard that anyone can meet without having to pay someone a royalty for it.
I understand your position and respect it. I just disagree that WISPA is the organization to produce such a standard. Seems like Merit's effort is meant to achieve the same thing and is being more broadly backed.

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