John, Thank you for the posting. Most know 700 mhz but
if not, I included a weblink on 700 Mhz explained:
...including interesting Comments section.

Also, Aloha Partners is reputed to be the largest
owner of 700 MHz spectrum; including 700 MHz plans for
rural and mobile broadband. Most of you already know
this.  Here is their weblink:


--- John Scrivner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steve Stroh and I usually see things the same way.
> We have somewhat 
> varying views on the 700 MHz auction coming up. Here
> are his views on 
> the upcoming 700 MHz auction.
> It is important to note that part of what is going
> to happen is that 
> there will be new WISPs once this spectrum sells.
> Some of them will look 
> very different from the WISPs we generally see now.
> I have done my part 
> to attempt to make this opportunity available to
> WISPs who are in place 
> now through the formation of the 700 MHz Committee.
> I have little doubt 
> that many licenses will go to people who are not now
> WISPs. If they use 
> the spectrum to sell broadband wireless Internet
> then by definition 
> those parties will then become WISPs.
> The future of 700 MHz use as a means of delivering
> broadband in rural 
> areas will bear fruit. How well it does this and how
> soon are primarily 
> a factor of how much money and work are put to work
> to make it happen. I 
> will not pretend to think I know what all will
> happen. I simply know 
> that the physics of this band make it ideal to serve
> rural broadband.
> WISPA has aggressively worked toward the efforts of
> acquiring unlicensed 
> TV white spaces spectrum through the 04-186 NPRM
> comments and 
> legislative initiatives which we have all been a
> part of. I have been to 
> DC twice over this initiative myself. I know many
> here have worked hard 
> on this. I do not see how taking a position on how
> the auction is 
> managed plays any part in whether or not we will see
> access to 
> unlicensed spectrum in the TV "white spaces".
> I must also say that combined work of the Intel /
> Microsoft / Cisco / 
> New America / Free Press / WISPA coalition to gain
> access to this 
> unlicensed use of spectrum was very positive toward
> this effort. In 
> those meetings we decided that building a test
> device and getting it to 
> the FCC for evaluation would be the best way to show
> them we can use the 
> band without messing it up. In Steve's article he
> says, "Yes, WISPA is 
> "involved" in the white spaces issue, but its
> efforts have been clouded 
> (nowhere near transparent) by its mysterious
> participation with 
> companies such as Microsoft and Intel.".  I guess
> Steve sees Microsoft 
> or Intel as some sort of a threat to us. I really do
> not know what he is 
> insinuating. I feel Steve Stroh may have some sour
> grapes regarding that 
> work as he was not invited to oversee the work done
> there  through a 
> list server owned and operated by Intel. We (Marlon
> and myself) were 
> invited to be a part of this effort and
> conversations there are not 
> public information.  I know the public record of
> comments to the FCC and 
> the letters to congress that we all approved were
> done openly and 
> therefore I do not approve of Steve's comments. In
> short, just because 
> Steve did not get to be on the inside when something
> happened does not 
> automatically make that effort suspect. The public
> records tells the tale.
> I will let Marlon speak for the 3650 efforts to
> date. I think he and a 
> few others here have done all the work on that
> effort to date. Despite 
> my differences of opinion with Steve Stroh I still
> do consider him a 
> friend. I just happen to think he is wrong in his
> article on a few 
> points. Most notably in his "clouded" view of
> WISPA's work with other 
> industries and foundations during the white space
> lobbying work.
> Scriv
> > begin:vcard
> fn:John Scrivner
> n:Scrivner;John
> org:Mt. Vernon. Net, Inc.
> adr;dom:PO Box 1582;;1 Dr Park Road Suite H1;Mt.
> Vernon;Il;62864
> email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> title:President
> tel;work:618-244-6868
> url:
> version:2.1
> end:vcard
> >
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