At 04:00 PM 9/10/2007, John Valenti wrote:

It sounds as if you might be proposing this for a suburban or even
tree filled urban environment. One problem you might run into is
clear spectrum in 900MHz.  I've use Trango gear out in rural areas,
where it works OK. I've only done a few scans in the city (East
Lansing and Lansing, specifically). Both of those scans were so
depressing I never tried making any links with 900 in town. All the
channels were what the Trango manual calls "unsuitable".

Point noted. My testing thus far has been at my house which is in an remote community a couple miles outside of town. Results may and probably will vary and I get closer to town, but I'm not wanting to compete with cable or DSL. I was hoping to find some still under served small towns that would appreciate my services..

I have a few of the SR9 cards and am just starting to work with them.
I read somewhere that Trango (for example) rejects interference
better than the SR9. No personal experience one way or another yet.

I saw were Ubiquiti has cavity filters but I have no idea what they cost or how well they work. I had one Trango 900 POP years ago and it worked well. But 6 sectors ain't happening. (I had only a few customers off one sector) But I'm really thinking in terms of multiple radio systems (SBC's) for a number of reasons.

My new rule of thumb with Trango is that I can go 2 miles.

I recall a little bit better for me. But the spectrum may have been really clear. I didn't have a 900MHz option for my cheap spectrum analyzer. I sold my company not long after hanging that gear.

You might consider a modified mesh structure that uses 2.4 or 5GHz
(or even 900 after testing) to those few LOS houses, then something
like Meraki mesh to connect close neighbors.

Nodding, I have thought in terms of large outter mesh with an inner micro mesh structure that isn't intended to go very deep (lots of hops) But out in the boonies, I'm not sure 2.4/5.8 is going to get me very far when houses might be a quarter or half mile apart. (or more) If I did have a tower in the area, perhaps "breaks" in the mesh could be "patched" with a new "homerun" shot if you follow me.

Thanks for the feedback



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