At 12:13 AM 9/13/2007, Travis Johnson wrote:

The biggest problem I see when looking at mesh is having access to all those locations... people's homes, light poles, telephone poles, whatever. You now have to install UPS systems, rebooters, have the equipment some-what secure, etc.

Bingo, I didn't say anything early on, but you hit the nail Travis. The biggest problem I see is the un-even-ness of property ownership in my plan (rural tier 4 areas). Fortunately as you move into a town, pieces of land keep getting smaller and smaller. My only solution is to deviate from the use of omni antennas towards directional antennas to increase the distance between nodes from 1 mile to maybe 2 to 4 miles between nodes.

But here are some very loose number regarding muni wifi. By comparison to my plan, imagine 15 to 20 nodes per square mile at $2500 to $3500 per node. Usinging standards based (generic) hardware I think I can reduce that cost to under $900 per node. Now imagine if a 900MHz AP with omni works to 1 mile radius, or 2 miles circumference. This is nearly 4 square miles of coverage for under $1k. (less than $250 per square mile).

This is almost like averaging between the economics of "fixed wireless" and "muni wifi" networks. But in my areas, that might lead to 4X success rates in site surveys..\



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