Ross Cornett wrote:

> I am in a pickle here with my client tracking database.  We had a 
> propriatary softward made for us and it is not a great scenario for us. 
> This software stored data in an access database and primarily was client 
> contact, reminding renewals for mailing bills...etc...

> What are you all using that might be a good transition for me...

Do you have the source code and database schema for the existing system? 
It may be possible to simply expand it, adding on whatever features you 
need that it doesn't have. If you just need a few small features added 
on and you're largely happy otherwise, hiring a project developer may be 
cheaper (in money, time, etc) than a whole new system.

If you don't have the source code, or the old software is a lost cause, 
you'll probably have to re-enter everything by hand in your new system. 
Thus, just look for whatever features you need in your "new" system as 
though you were starting from scratch, because you basically will be.

Beyond that, it's a pretty broad question, as every WISP has different 
needs. What do you want your software to do? :)

David Smith

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