I usually bite my tongue when I see people who have a holy war
mentality against any government involvement in industry. This is
usually because I tend to agree in keeping a light touch in
regulation. I have to speak up though when I am being lumped into a
category of "lobotomized sheep". That is going too far.

I am going to tell you what is going to happen to you if you do not
spend a little time learning how to tell the FCC who and where you are
serving broadband. I am also going to tell you why they are asking. If
you do not like my answers then feel free to debate them. Please
refrain from referring to me or WISPA as "lobotomized sheep". I will
not take it well if you use such derogatory terms to paint a picture
of me and my organization.

Here is what will happen if you ignore the FCC request for information.

The FCC will do nothing. They will not fine you. They will not hunt
you down. They will also not help you. You will be invisible to the
FCC. Congratulations. You will not be recognized on the federal level
as being part of the industry. All your hard work will count for
nothing in DC.

The long-term effects of your cloaking will be much more insidious.
Government reports and policy over time will be in part based on the
results of your inaction. When larger telcos ask for tax relief and
subsidies for building out broadband into unserved areas  they will
use the fact that your area is NOT served as justification for having
Uncle Sam pay them to build out your area. USF reformation for
broadband funding will be targeted to help others, who report
broadband coverage, to build out your area. The USDA will allow
funding to go to larger broadband companies to build your area since
reports show it is not being served. The big bad government and telcos
will then be out to get you. Why? Because you are invisible and they
are using that against you. Who is at fault when that happens? It will
be a bit like complaining that someone runs over you while you are
dressed in black walking down the middle of the road at night.

Now I am going to tell you why they want this information. The FCC
wants this information because they have to measure this. It is a
matter of law. The federal government monitors itself on many levels.
In the FCC's case they are looking at broadband coverage to see if
they are doing their job to make sure that our country has access to
broadband. There is law in place to make them provide this data. The
older reports were criticized by many for not telling the whole story.
This led to them asking for more information.

I look at broadband reporting different than you do. I want more
spectrum. I want protections for the spectrum I use. I want to see us
have the FCC as our friend if we have interference issues. I also know
that they are the stewards of the public spectrum I use. I did not
have to pay billions of dollars to use it. Broadband reporting helps
them to see if the spectrum we have is being used to serve broadband.
If we report customer growth using spectrum then we show the system

We cannot change the fact that the federal government has a role in
governing the spectrum we use. They also watch over communications
services in our country. I have seen the government do many stupid
things and I know they are not always good at representing my needs.
In the case of broadband reporting I am not going to take a stand
against it. I think we will likely spend about 8 hours per year
performing the requested reporting. I do not think this is too much
for the government to expect from me in exchange for free use of
spectrum. I am not afraid of the government or too weak to ask for
change. I prefer to choose my battles on issues I feel are justified.
Your belief is noted and I understand you would prefer we do not have
to fill the forms out. In my case I feel you are causing our industry
more future harm than good in your position of wishing to sit out the
reporting requests from the FCC.

I am sure you will ignore the reporting and I am sure the FCC will not
do anything about it. Just do not expect the organization you call
"lobotomized sheep" to save you when federal policy starts leading to
others being funded to build areas you already serve.

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 3:49 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I"m going to repost a response I made privately, leaving off the other
> person...  I want to be clear what's really bothering me lately.
> ==========
> Maybe I should be more clear.   I fail to see why I should have to conduct
> even 1 minute's free labor... The results of which are going to result
> absolutely NO benefit to me, and then we'll all get to see some politicians
> claim credit for the "spread of broadband", even though that "spread" has
> been solely the result of some of us working our butts off, and risking our
> own money and 12 hour days.
> I can find absolutely no reason to think that ANY of us are going to benefit
> from this.   The only people who could possibly benefit, would be the
> Qwest's and the Clearwires of the world, who have publicly financed
> "expansion research" done for them.
> I doubt any of us, save a handful who cover large areas, could benefit at
> all.   I know I make my expansions based on on-the-ground efforts, going to
> door to door and finding out who has broadband, who doesn't and then
> figuring out how to fill the gaps, some of which are as small as a housing
> development with 10 houses in it.    This will never be figured out by the
> FCC or any "agency".   I'm DOING the work that needs to be done.   Why on
> earth should I do free labor while doing it?
> But I'll bet that on a more macro scale, all we do is provide the directions
> for bigger guys deciding what towns or cities to deploy in without spending
> a dime in research.
> I know I buy a lot of $140 (and climbing) tanks of diesel to find areas not
> covered and then cover them, and then go to door to door to sign up people.
> I have perhaps 20,000 people in my targeted market, which covers everything
> from farms and vineyards to forested mountains, and it's an hour and a half
> to drive across from the farthest customers now, and in a fe months it's
> going to be close to two hours.
> So, why on earth should I then be required to expend more time and effort
> and possibly money, just to tell someone else where to go for free?
> Perhaps I'm just irked because the heavy hand of both state and federal
> govenrments is coming down on a lot of what we do - I may soon need a
> contractor's license and AND hire a licensed electrician... to be a WISP, of
> all things.   If that's the case, my customers will become "unserved".   And
> there is NOBODY in my corner fighting this either federally or at the state
> level.   Rather, every organization I've uncovered is just nodding and
> smiling like some lobotomized sheep.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> <insert witty tagline here>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] FCC approves new method for tracking broadband's reach
>>I agree, I would also like to know the position of WISPA. It looks like
>> another great way for some company to make extra income off of my already
>> short bottom line.  The current reporting is a pain but can be completed
>> in
>> an hour or so.  I am not privileged to have GIS software and data setting
>> around for all my data to interface with. Besides in my area the census
>> track is larger then the ZIP's. So they will get less exact data.
>> Steve Barnes
>> Executive Manager
>> RCWiFi Wireless Internet Service
>> (765)584-2288
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:00 PM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA]FCC approves new method for tracking broadband's reach
>> I'm curious to know WISPA's official position on this is.
>> Looking back in the archives, I see little discussion about this, but the
>> only way this information is going to be obtained, is if ISP's are
>> required
>> to determine the location of each census unit and then plot on maps of the
>> census unit each customer and count them up.   At this moment, I have no
>> idea what a "census unit" is, how it is determined, or even how to find
>> out
>> that information, much less plot hundreds of customers spread over
>> thousands
>> of square miles.   Frankly, I haven't the time.
>> Unless software exists to automate this, this is going to be rather
>> man-hour
>> intensive for anyone with more than 20 broadband customers.
>> Is WISPA going to lobby to defend us from this big pile of free labor the
>> FCC wants us to do so they can claim political credit, or are they going
>> to
>> sell us down the river by lobbying for it?   It seemed that no organized
>> resistance existed for the first mandate to report, and unless we start
>> defending ourselves from the do-gooders in DC, we're going to end up with
>> mountains of work and nothing but a headache and some legal papers from
>> bankruptcy court to show for it.
>> Every industry I know of is VEHEMENT in telling the federal goverment to
>> back off from mandates... Why does the ISP industry just keep rolling over
>> and getting reamed?
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> <insert witty tagline here>
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Rick Harnish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 6:03 AM
>> Subject: [WISPA] FCC approves new method for tracking broadband's reach
>>> HYPERLINK "http://www.wispa.org/?p=215"FCC approves new method for
>>> tracking
>>> broadband's reach
>>> Filed under: HYPERLINK "http://www.wispa.org/?cat=1"General at 7:02 am
>>> HYPERLINK "http://www.wispa.org/?p=215#respond";(no comments) HYPERLINK
>>> "http://www.wispa.org/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=215";(e)
>>> WASHINGTON-As expected, federal regulators on Wednesday voted to overhaul
>>> the way they measure how widely broadband is available across the United
>>> States.
>>> For years, the Federal Communications Commission has been drawing up
>>> reports
>>> on the state of U.S. Internet access availability based on methodology
>>> that
>>> considers 200 kilobits per second (Kbps) service to be "high speed"-and
>>> such
>>> access to be widely available even in ZIP codes that may, in reality,
>>> house
>>> only one connection.
>>> The decision to move away from that methodology is potentially
>>> significant.
>>> Critics, both inside and outside the agency, have charged that the
>>> inadequacy of data that the FCC collects semiannually from Internet
>>> service
>>> providers hinders both the government's ability to set smart
>>> pro-broadband
>>> policies and could slow investment on the technology side. It could also
>>> help federal regulators determine whether HYPERLINK
>>> "http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9897103-7.html"the United States is
>>> really
>>> as far behind in broadband penetration as some international studies have
>>> suggested during the past few years.
>>> If not for good government data, "our economy would come to a screeching
>>> halt," said Commissioner Michael Copps, a Democrat. For example,
>>> manufacturers depend on unemployment and gross domestic product figures
>>> to
>>> set their production targets, and schools and hospitals rely on U.S.
>>> Census
>>> numbers to project demand for their services, he said.
>>> "When companies and investors put money into e-commerce or voice over
>>> Internet Protocol or Internet video.they need to know what kind of
>>> broadband
>>> infrastructure America actually has," Copps said.
>>> Democratic Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein said, "This is really the
>>> first
>>> step toward the national broadband strategy that we so desperately need."
>>> Despite his support for the new data collection method, FCC Chairman
>>> Kevin
>>> Martin said he believes the United States has made incredible strides in
>>> broadband deployment since he joined the commission in 2001, with the
>>> number
>>> of lines growing from 9 million to more than 100 million. Still, he
>>> acknowledged, "there is certainly more work to be done."
>>> The FCC, as is typical, won't release the full text of the changes it
>>> adopted for a few weeks, but here's a rundown of major components
>>> described
>>> at Wednesday's meeting:
>>> . 200Kbps speeds are no longer considered "broadband." Until this point,
>>> the
>>> FCC has considered any service that produces 200Kbps speeds in the upload
>>> or
>>> download direction to be "high speed." With Wednesday's vote, that
>>> methodology is no more. Now, 768Kbps, which is the entry-level speed
>>> offered
>>> by major DSL providers like Verizon, will be considered the low end of
>>> "basic broadband," a range that extends to under 1.5Mbps.
>>> . Broadband service speeds will have to be reported both for uploads and
>>> downloads. Previously the FCC had six big categories of broadband speeds,
>>> and they effectively only tracked download speeds. Now the agency says it
>>> will require reporting on upload speeds. Pro-regulatory advocacy groups
>>> like
>>> Free Press say that's a necessary step in part because of HYPERLINK
>>> "http://www.news.com/8301-13578_3-9872464-38.html"Comcast's admitted
>>> throttling of peer-to-peer file-sharing uploads.
>>> . Upload and download speeds will have to be reported in a more specific
>>> way. At the moment, the broadband speeds most commonly offered by cable
>>> and
>>> telephone companies are lumped into two major categories: those between
>>> 200Kbps and 2.5Mbps, and those between 2.5Mbps and 10Mbps. The FCC's new
>>> rules would require them to be broken down further, in an attempt to
>>> address
>>> charges that the current buckets have the potential to overstate the
>>> number
>>> of high-end subscriptions and understate the number of low-end
>>> subscriptions. Those new tiers will be: 1) 200Kbps to 768Kbps ("first
>>> generation data"); 2) 768Kbps to 1.5Mbps ("basic broadband"); 3) 1.5Mbps
>>> to
>>> 3Mbps; 4) 3Mbps to 6Mbps; and 5) 6Mbps and above.
>>> . ISPs will be required to report numbers of subscribers, and at the
>>> census-block level. Under the current methodology, ISPs report only the
>>> number of ZIP codes in which they have at least one subscriber, and they
>>> report numbers of lines nationwide. Now they'll have to report the number
>>> of
>>> subscribers in each census tract they serve, broken down by speed tier.
>>> The
>>> FCC decided to use census tracts because researchers may be able to use
>>> other demographic statistics collected by the U.S. Census, such as age
>>> and
>>> income level, to gain insight about what drives broadband penetration
>>> rates.
>>> . ISPs will not have to report the prices they charge..yet. Democratic
>>> commissioners and liberal consumer advocacy groups had argued such a step
>>> is
>>> necessary to give consumers an idea of the value they're getting for
>>> their
>>> money-and to compare U.S. prices to those for comparable services abroad.
>>> Copps said on Wednesday that he continues to believe it's a "mistake" to
>>> omit that requirement, and Adelstein also voiced concern. But a majority
>>> of
>>> the commissioners opted to push that decision off until another time and
>>> gather more comments.
>>> Each of the five commissioners voted in favor of adopting the order,
>>> although some attached reservations about some portions of the rules.
>>> Adelstein said he would have liked to see the commission require that
>>> ISPs
>>> distinguish between residential and business customers when doing their
>>> reporting. Republican Commissioner Robert McDowell said he was concerned
>>> that some of the definitions contained in the rules-particularly that of
>>> broadband-could have negative long-term effects.
>>> "Government cannot outguess the genius of free markets, nor should it
>>>  try,"
>>> McDowell said.
>>> Representatives from the cable and telephone industry had advised the
>>> commission against making major changes to its data collection methods.
>>> They
>>> said they would not be able to comment on the FCC's vote Wednesday until
>>> after reviewing the full text of the order.
>>> The old method's last gasp
>>> In an ironic twist, at the same meeting, the commissioners narrowly voted
>>> to
>>> adopt the FCC's latest report about the state of American broadband
>>> deployment-except based on the old methodology that they went on to
>>> revamp.
>>> Because of that, Copps and Adelstein ripped apart the report and said
>>> they
>>> couldn't support its conclusions. (Martin, McDowell, and Republican
>>> Deborah
>>> Tate voted for adoption of the document.)
>>> "http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-280906A1.pdf"report
>>> (PDF), which covers the first half of 2007, concluded that "broadband
>>> services are currently being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable
>>> and
>>> timely fashion."
>>> High-speed lines-meaning, mind you, capable of 200Kbps or greater data
>>> transfer speeds-grew from 82 million to 100 million lines during that
>>> time,
>>> the FCC said. Its report also found that an Internet service provider
>>> reported having at least one connection in 99 percent of the country's
>>> ZIP
>>> codes, and that 99 percent of the American population lives in those ZIP
>>> codes.
>>> Copps, for one, called the ZIP code methodology "stunningly meaningless."
>>> "I'm happy we're starting to change our benchmarks," he said, "but my
>>> goodness, how late in the day it is."
>>> The FCC's actions drew mixed reviews from groups who have been pressing
>>> for
>>> better broadband data and Net neutrality rules.
>>> Gigi Sohn, the president of Public Knowledge, one such group, commended
>>> the
>>> FCC's new data collection plan, although she said she would have
>>> preferred
>>> to see price data included and information about residential and
>>> commercial
>>> customers separated. She also deemed it a "mystery" that the FCC also
>>> chose
>>> to issue the broadband availability report "when, mere moments later, the
>>> Commission admitted the inadequacy of the information."
>>> WASHINGTON-As expected, federal regulators on Wednesday voted to overhaul
>>> the way they measure how widely broadband is available across the United
>>> States.
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>>> Checked by AVG.
>>> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.10/1421 - Release Date:
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>>> 5:23 PM
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