I don't know what to tell you Mark. I stay away from the political stuff 
on these industry lists because politics or the mere hint of it, gets 
some people inflamed. And we don't need people to be chased off because 
of heated discussions that offend. I'm sure you have that expression 
don't discuss religion, sex, or politics, .... There's a reason. It's 
not the time or place or most importantly, the right people to talk 
politics with. People here want to talk wireless and industry, etc.

Politics does have an impact on our industry and we should be able to 
delve into that gently, if the temperament of the people involved 
allowed such sensitive talks.

An example is the future of our industry under the left after the past 
12 years of the right. Will it be good or bad?
But this open list is not a good place to discuss it. It would turn into 
a brawl.

I suppose if you want to get WISPA to do something for you or preferably 
with you, you need to:
1- buy a membership, it's doubtful you'll see any request from anyone 
who won't support WISPA with a paid membership get WISPA to spin it's 
2- Gather support for such action that you think is beneficial to the 
wisp industry.
3- Once you have a fair amount of support, lobby the board to take 
action or to set up a committee that can decide what action to take.

I like committees. I created a couple of them here and think if a group 
of members want to create a committee to discuss some action or ideas, 
I'm all for it.

Aside from that, the wispa people are already busy on their various 
committees. Other people are going to have to step up. You too Mark.


> This is really confusing, George.   WISPA's self described job is to lobby 
> the FCC and regulators.
> When it's suggested WISPA should provide statements in opposition to bad 
> things they want to do,  you say "it's politics".
> If it's politics to say that this industry should defend itself from excess 
> regulation, it's politics to do the reverse.
> I am NOT being partisan.   I have NOT been partisan.   I have not discussed 
> anything but the dollar and hour impacts of regulatory misbehavior...
> Why is that "politics" and yet "trading our compliance for never to arrive 
> favors in the future" is not?
> Frankly, the latter is absolutely futile butt kissing, and the former is the 
> only productive thing we can do when talking to DC.
> So, why is it "poltics" to state that excess regulation will hurt us... 
> And NOT "politics" to insist we play footsies with the regulators?
> Of the few possible things that WISPA can actually DO in Washington DC, it 
> COULD act as our defense from runamok and overreaching beaurocrats, but 
> somehow that's a forbidden notion.    But going and pretending that all this 
> "playing nice" by rolling over and playing like we're worms on boiling hot 
> pavement is going to get us antyhing but dead is ... not?
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> <insert witty tagline here>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2012 - The End of the Internet
>> Nobody ever rips you here Mark.
>> Point is, generally speaking politics is a taboo subject on these
>> various lists.
>> I'm sure there are peple that agree with you and disagree on these
>> lists, but most don't respond because we know what will happen.
>> To bad you don't have a politics list somewhere that you can get people
>> to discuss politics with.
>> Maybe you can start your own list serve for those that want to hash out
>> politics.
>> Seriously, nobody is ripping you, certainly not wispa.
>>> Guess who doesn't really believe in Free Speech.
>>> I get ripped here endlessly because I talk about how WE should stand up 
>>> for
>>> responsibility, our own economic and business liberty and here's a good
>>> example.
>>> Shall WISPA, et al, write position papers on how to block usenet groups, 
>>> or
>>> should we publicly state that we still ACTUALLY believe in our form of
>>> govenrment and demand our Constitution remain in effect?
>>> When did running a business prevent us from being citizens, interested in
>>> our rights and freedoms?
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> <insert witty tagline here>
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Victoria Proffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:15 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2012 - The End of the Internet
>>>> Personally I think we are coming into some scary times.
>>>> *The state of New York is now blocking Usenet Groups*:
>>>> 6/10/08
>>>> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-9964895-38.html
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