Alright. Enough is enough.

List moderator,

Is it possible to control this? Can this thread be shutdown?  Not sure 
if the participants in this highly unproductive flame war should be 
banned ( and for what time period)
but this is getting ridiculous and incredibly distracting.


I am on dozens of mailing lists. I get a couple hundred messages per day 
and I read them all. I have never seen this level of pettiness on any of 

Far more can be accomplished via civil discourse. One can have heated 
discussions on an intellectual level without resorting to personal attacks.

I think this sort of behavior, and the fact it has gone on this long 
unchecked does a major dis service to the WISP community. If this list 
is monitored by vendors, federal agencies (such as the FCC) etc how do 
you think this behavior casts the community?

Lets stop the destructive behavior before this list stops serving the 
purpose for which it was created.

Charles Wyble (818) 280 - 7059
CTO Known Element Enterprises / SoCal WiFI project

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