
My best experiences have been with StarOS clients connecting to  
StarOS APs. Regarding disconnects, I don't see that much.  I like to  
program the client radio's ping watchdog to hit the AP every 10  
seconds. Then when I'm in the association page on the AP, all the  
clients will have less than 10 seconds since they have passed  
traffic.  Any clients that have a minute+ in the far right column get  
some attention to figure out what is happening.

On August 20, at 11:36 AM August 20, Marlon K. Schafer wrote:

> .... Did I say that I also really like the MT ap's?  They are too  
> complicated to
> set up, but once that's done they work very well and give me great
> information on who's doing what on my network.  And I am a point  
> and click
> GUI kinda guy so StarOS is really hard for me to deal with.  And I've
> recently replaced an MT ap with Star, no real difference that I can  
> see as
> far as the customer experience is concerned.  I don't think we're  
> getting
> the disconnects, but I just can't deal with the management  
> mechanism for
> Star so I'm not totally sure.  ....

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