Note: What is "standard"? Trango is not "standard 802.11", it is a 
proprietary product. Therefore its appropriate that its MIBs may not be 
"802.11" standard MIBs.
I'm not saying that it is not good for vendors to standardize. But 
manufacturers may have a larger goal such as backward compatibility to their 
pre-existing proprietary platform.
It would really stink, for someone that wrote a bunch of tools to a set of 
MIBS, and then have to redo all the work because the MIBs changed.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David E. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] deliberant/ligowave

> Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote:
>> One of my biggest pet peeves is that there is no standard first IP 
>> address
>> for units.  Tranzeo uses, Deliberant is using,
>> Teletronics is, SmartBridges used or .22, and 
>> the
>> list goes on and on.  They also all use different out of the box 
>> passwords.
>> It would sure make MY life easier if these two main items were 
>> standardized!
> I'd be happy if more vendors would standardize on SNMP, at the very
> least, and ideally export things like signal (and/or SNR) in a usable way.
> Trango gear doesn't use the "standard" MIBs for interface traffic, for
> instance (at least my older gear doesn't), so I can't easily graph
> throughput like I can with everything else in my network. Ligowave
> doesn't export signal levels anywhere in their (very minimal) MIB,
> instead asking you to use their proprietary software. Mikrotik makes
> some things tricky without their proprietary software, but at least it
> (The Dude) is free, and fairly handy for other things as well. Everyone
> that does bridged interfaces, there are quirks with bridge traffic
> counters (but I think that's a quirk in the underlying OS, since almost
> everyone just builds their stuff atop Linux and I've seen it do the same
> things). There's no unified way of monitoring, say, number of
> associations to an AP in a PtMP setup, or "average" SNR.
> If you want to win my undying affection, get a couple dozen vendors to
> adopt a unified wireless MIB structure.
> David Smith
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