Patrick Nix Jr. wrote:
> For those who may be using Google's branded services for ISPs can
> someone tell me where to go to find more information and how is it
> working for you. 

If I were starting a new outfit today, I'd probably just let them do all 
the hard work, and host all my users' email. Domain names and Web 
hosting are dirt-cheap, and if you want to be "just" an Internet access 
provider, not doing any hosting and having relatively little 
server-room-type infrastructure, it's a good way to save a few bucks.

For a pre-existing outfit, though, migrating to Google Apps could be 
tricky. For us, the one really big stumbling block was the fact that 
most of our users use POP3 and something like Outlook Express or 
Thunderbird. When last I looked into this, the Google Apps API wouldn't 
let you enable POP3 and IMAP automatically. We'd have been forced to 
have someone manually log into every mailbox and turn that on.

(They said it was to force users to accept their TOS, but I can't escape 
the feeling that Google wants people to use the Web interface because 
that's where the ads are; forcing that initial login gives them a free 
shot at showing you the Gmail interface, which admittedly is awfully 

David Smith

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