I'd hazard a guess you should be okay...

Only way to tell is to do the RF Study and find out :-)

Daniel White
3-dB Networks

>-----Original Message-----
>From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On
>Behalf Of Gino Villarini
>Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:15 PM
>To: WISPA General List
>Cc: WISPA General List
>Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>Charles, Thanks for the prompt response , I was thinking more on
>Say I'm on a crowded area, what would be the chances of not getting
>the license?
>Sent from my Motorola Startac...
>On Feb 12, 2009, at 2:24 PM, "Charles Wu" <c...@cticonnect.com> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, it's the same as getting a new license...the only
>> difference comes in application fees
>> If it's a BRAND NEW tower with nothing -- you pay the FCC $640 /
>> site for a new application
>> If it's a MODIFICATION to an existing tower with a license -- you
>> pay the FCC $240 / site for a major modification
>> -Charles
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>> On Behalf Of Gino Villarini
>> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:42 AM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>> On this subject
>> Charles, others:
>> Whats the process of making a change to an existing license?  Let
>> say I
>> wish to move to one tower 1/4 mile away?
>> Gino A. Villarini
>> g...@aeronetpr.com
>> Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
>> tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>> On
>> Behalf Of jp
>> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:39 PM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>> We are facing two simultaneous issues at some of our sites. I'm sure
>> we're not the only ones with such dilemas.
>> 1. We've run out of 5.8ghz spectrum. This can be addressed by changing
>> to 5.4ghz or 3.65ghz for some of the shorter backhauls.
>> 2. The normal 5ghz upto-45mbps stuff isn't fast enough for some of our
>> links in the near future. Faster 5ghz stuff uses more spectrum; see
>> dilema 1.
>> On the low end, to conserve 5.8 spectrum, we've taken out some BA-II
>> 2.4ghz stuff to clean up our spectrum and done 2.4ghz G links on 10mhz
>> to low end longer distance links such as MT crossroads horizontally
>> polarized.
>> On the middle of the scale, we've upgraded some b14/b28 gear to
>> Trangolink45 to get more speed out of existing links and spectrum.
>> On the high end, there are some shorter distance 5.8ghz links we could
>> replace with 5.4, but that sort of investment would only accomplish
>> one
>> of the goals, which is to preserve 5.8 spectrum. That investment would
>> not increase our speed at all. If I'm going to replace those links
>> with
>> an upgrade, it should be substantially faster, and a 24ghz unlicensed
>> link could accomplish that in many cases.
>> I'm in a rural area, so I'm not really worried about interference of
>> 24ghz (or any frequency used strictly for ptp). We do have other wisps
>> using 5.8,2.4,900, and cell and phone companies doing 5.8 backhauls to
>> contend with. Most of the interference is from ptmp gear of my own and
>> others, and some from colocated backhaul gear of the other mentioned
>> sources. 24ghz should be really easy to avoid interference if used
>> strictly for ptp links.
>> For one of our busy sites right now, we have two 5ghz links to it in
>> order to have good speed, as one wasn't enough (and the redundancy
>> was a
>> good byproduct). I would love a few cost effective <2 mile links that
>> don't need licensing, doesn't use 5ghz and can do 200mbps actual
>> data or
>> faster. If 24ghz can do that, we'd take it.
>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 01:21:11PM -0800, John Seaman wrote:
>>> Thanks Tom,  we're not convinced about 24 GHz... the power limits are
>>> very low.  We are looking at it but we're trying to size up the 24
>>> GHz
>>> market before we make the commitment to pursue this frequency.  I do
>>> know that in Canada there is good demnand for 24 GHz (since licensing
>>> fees are extremely high) .. but here is the US, the licensing costs
>>> are so low that most users prefer to go with licensed band.. at least
>>> that has been our perception of the market so far.  I would like to
>>> hear others view points on 24 GHz.
>>> John
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>> On Behalf Of Tom DeReggi
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:13 PM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>> The only reason we don't attach
>>>> it here in the factory is to enable the user the option to use a
>>>> waveguide adapter (instead of the transition) in the event they want
>>>> to connect the ODU to piece of flex waveguide so that it can be used
>>>> with any dish with a waveguide flange.
>>> Good feature for those who want to upgrade pre-existing installed
>>> slower
>>> DS-3 type radios with new state of the art IP, using already
>>> installed
>>> dish.
>>> As someone who has now used both the Trango and Dragonwave
>>> products, I
>>> can honestly say they are both very fine products, and a buyer
>>> couldn't possibly go wrong with either purchase decission.  But, we
>>> have reached a point where a buyer does not HAVE TO accept a
>>> significant technical compromise anymore
>>> to gain a "better price".   I will not get into a debate of which
>>> product is
>>> "better", as there are very tiny differences that might be more or
>>> less preferable dependant on the buyer's application or personal
>> preference.
>>> But I will say, Dragonwave will lose sales, if they try to keep their
>>> price higher, and at minimum are at a stage requiring price matching.
>>> There was a time that "Dragonwave" was considered the "premium"
>>> product, but today there are many buyers that would argue the
>>> opposite
>>> that Trango is now becomming the more "premium" product.  I'll leave
>>> that decission to the prospective buyer.
>>> What I'd like to see from Dragonwave, is for them to give their
>>> distributors better prices consistently by default, so they can be
>>> more competitive.  I think their quality resellers deserve that
>>> assistance, and the markup they add to generate sales.
>>> What I'd like to see from Trango, is for them to embrace 24Ghz, and
>>> add it to their collection. There is a Huge market for this, to
>>> empower WISPs to close deals and isntall links without delay.
>>> (even if they were converted to 23Ghz licensed down the road).
>>> What would be really cool, is a 23Ghz unit that was wideband and
>>> supported 23Ghz through 24Ghz, where software implemented the
>>> neccessary power reductions at 24Ghz unlicensed to keep it legal,
>>> when
>>> the channel was selected. I do not know if that is technically
>>> acheivable or not, without compromise.
>>> Tom DeReggi
>>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "John Seaman" <j...@trangosys.com>
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:07 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>> Just to clear up a few points...  Daniel's claim of number of
>>>> Trango's units shipped is WAY off.  He has no way of knowing what we
>>>> have shipped.  Trango is a private company and as such we dont
>>>> divulge specifics, but I can tell you that the actual shipments are
>>>> FAR
>>> greater
>>>> and a very significant portion of the links shipped have gone
>>>> outside the US and as such you wont see them show up in the FCC
>>>> database. Our overall numbers of links shipped may be small compared
>>>> to Ceragon and the big guys but the product has gained widespread
>>>> acceptance,
>>> traction
>>>> and is quickly gaining momentum.  Why else would our competitors be
>>>> acting so nervous?  Trango has firmly established itself with
>>>> TrangoLINK-GIGA and APEX in the WISP market.  Now we are also
>>>> gaining excellent traction with counties, states, cities, utilities,
>>>> as well
>>> as
>>>> the US Military... These entities traditionally deploylargest
>>> quantities
>>>> of wireless backhaul sytems, compared to mobile operators who deploy
>>> by
>>>> far the most.  (although most mobile operator deployments are still
>>>> strictly TDM).  There is no stopping Trango.  We will continue to
>>>> peck away at Dragonwave's marketshare and gradually we'll be taking
>>>> larger and larger portions of it.  Dragonwave did not ship $50mil
>>>> last year,
>>> it
>>>> was closer to $40Mil - and by the way they are losing tons of money
>>>> quarter-after-quarter.  Trango is, and has always been profitable.
>>>> I actually don't have a side-by side comparison of the two products
>>>> handy. We really should put one together.   Truth is there are many
>>>> similarities and also some key differences.  For those who may not
>>>> be aware, Trango offers two primary product lines:  TrangoLINK-GIGA
>>>> and TrangoLINK-APEX.  GIGA is our split architecture system which
>>>> offers 4 GigE Ports (Dragonwave 1), 8 T1 ports (Dragonwave zero).
>>>> The APEX is the all outdoor POE product which offers a GigE port as
>>>> well as a plug-in slot for a fiber SFP module. I have never been
>>>> able to
>>> determine
>>>> how the Dragonwave optical option works...but I dont think it is
>>>> anything as simple as APEX (Daniel feel free to provide details).
>>> Both
>>>> of the traffic ports (optical and GigE copper) on the APEX can be
>>>> used simultaneously.  GIGA and APEX both offer port priority and QoS
>>>> functionality as well as rapid port shutdown.  The multiple port
>>> option
>>>> allows users to completely segregate traffic from one port to the
>>> next.
>>>> Dragonwave does not have this feature.    The APEX offers TRUE
>>> "Hitless"
>>>> ACM which is Adaptive Coding Modulation which means the system will
>>> move
>>>> to slower modulations without taking any hits.  I don't believe that
>>>> Horizon Compact offers hitless ACM.  Daniel, feel free to correct me
>>> if
>>>> I am wrong.   Regarding the GIGA, one other point which comes up
>> often
>>>> is that the Dragonwave split solution (Airpair) allows only for very
>>>> short (300 ft?) IF cable runs.  TrangoLINK-GIGA allows for 1000 ft
>>>> of cable.
>>>> As for Daniel's other points:
>>>> -Products available now: TrangoLINK-GIGA 6, 11, 18, 23 GHz. APEX 18,
>>> 11
>>>> GHz.  23 Ghz coming next month.
>>>> -Power Consumption: TrangoLINK-APEX power consumption is lower than
>>>> Horizon Compact High power version although higher than Horizon
>>> standard
>>>> power version, which stands to reason.
>>>> -Field Proven:  Latest releases of GIGA and APEX firmware highly
>>> stable.
>>>> TrangoLINK-GIGA  has been in the field for  18 months now.
>>>> -CLI/GUI:  You can do a full link setup using only the GUI interface
>>> on
>>>> GIGA and APEX although admitedly the CLI has more functionality.
>>>> Our firware engineers will enhance this in future releases.  The CLI
>>>> is
>>> very
>>>> much like a Cisco interface and most users are very comfortable in
>>>> the CLI.
>>>> -LED Allignment - the allignment tool has received rave reviews from
>>>> most installers.  One thing I'd like to mention is that our newer
>>>> ODUs coming out, and all APEX models have built-in power detector in
>>>> the
>>> ODU
>>>> to make the RSSI readouts more responsive than in the earlier ODUs.
>>> So
>>>> the LED indicator that Daniel used on his nine-link deployment has
>>>> improved greatly in that it is highly responsive. Daniel if you get
>>>> a chance to do another allignment I am sure you will love the LED
>>>> allignment tool on the newer radios.
>>>> - APEX output power 3-8 dB better than Horizon compact standard
>> model.
>>>> Horizon HP version 2.5 dB better than APEX at higher modulations
>>> (better
>>>> at lower modulation).
>>>> - Trango 18 Ghz covers 17.7 GHz - 18.14 & 19.265 - 19.7 GHz.  This
>>>> is 440 MHz of spectrum..  I dont know the DW spec on this, but I do
>>>> know that I've never heard of a license being declined because
>>>> there's not enough channels availble in the radio.
>>>> - Daniel is the only one I've heard of complaining about the
>>>> waveguide transition between he ODU and the antenna.  It requires
>>>> four little screws to put it in.  Not a big deal.  The only reason
>>>> we don't attach it here in the factory is to enable the user the
>>>> option to use a waveguide adapter (instead of the transition) in the
>>>> event they want
>>> to
>>>> connect the ODU to piece of flex waveguide so that it can be used
>>>> with any dish with a waveguide flange.
>>>> - Contact us or CTI for pricing off-list.
>>>> John Seaman
>>>> Trango Systems, Inc.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of 3-dB Networks
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:36 AM
>>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>> Brad,
>>>> Go back through the list achieves... I think I have made my stance
>>>> on why Dragonwave is better in my opinion than Trango.  I've
>>>> installed
>>> nine
>>>> Trango Giga links... so my opinion is based on my own personal
>>>> experience... not just the Dragonwave marketing material.  I didn't
>>>> repost these comments because many got tired of the whole
>>>> Dragonwave/Trango battle on the list.  I sent this to someone
>>>> earlier though... I could come up with more reasons if you wish...
>>>> or just go back through the achieves.
>>>> - Volume of product sold - Dragonwave sold $50 million dollars worth
>>> of
>>>> equipment last year... by all reports Trango sold only 100 links or
>>> so.
>>>> It is not unreasonable to think that Trango may not last in the
>>> market,
>>>> especially with them ditching their point to multi-point product.
>>>> - Dragonwave 6GHz, 11GHz, 18GHz, 23GHz, 24GHz, and 38GHz is all
>>>> available now.
>>>> - Lower power consumption
>>>> - Field Proven - Firmware releases are stable... Trango has only
>>>> been
>>> in
>>>> the field for about a year now, and firmware by many accounts is
>>>> still buggy.
>>>> - CLI/GUI - Trango GUI is not useable, all commands must come from
>>>> the CLI.
>>>> Often these commands are confusing to use.  Dragonwave can be
>>> configured
>>>> either way easily.
>>>> - LED Alignment/Voltmeter Alignment - LED Alignment on Trango gear
>>>> is not as accurate as voltmeter on Dragonwave... can make aligning
>>>> difficult links that much harder (since you only have two digits vs.
>>>> four).  From my own personal experience on this one.
>>>> - Better link margins when using the High Power product
>>>> - Trango 18GHz equipment does not cover the full band... I can dig
>>>> up the e-mail I sent to the list about this.
>>>> - Dragonwave does not have a waveguide adapter between the dish and
>>> the
>>>> ODU... this caused a few problems on the massive Trango deployment I
>>> did
>>>> (9
>>>> links)
>>>> The price difference is in the sub-$1k range.  I don't quote pricing
>>> on
>>>> the list unless it is an advertised special.  If you want a quote...
>>> hit
>>>> me offlist.
>>>> Daniel White
>>>> 3-dB Networks
>>>> http://www.3dbnetworks.com
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-
>>>>> boun...@wispa.org]
>>> On
>>>>> Behalf Of Brad Belton
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:06 PM
>>>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>> Hello Daniel,
>>>>> Well, that is disappointing as I was hoping for more substance from
>>> you
>>>>> to back up your statements regarding "close" in price and
>>>>> "performance much better".  Instead you've chosen to throw a stone
>>>>> at a competing product and run the other way.
>>>>> I guess we'll have to chalk up your comments as all show and no
>> go...
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Brad
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-
>>>>> boun...@wispa.org]
>>> On
>>>>> Behalf Of 3-dB Networks
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:49 PM
>>>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>> I'm going to go with Jeff on this one... there has been multiple
>>>>> threads on this topic... I think it has been beat to death.  If you
>>>>> want to talk about it offlist I'd be happy to.
>>>>> As far as the price difference... I'd be happy to quote the
>>>>> Dragonwave and let you compare it to the published Trango deals...
>>>>> but my
>>> personal
>>>>> opinion is that you are not paying a premium for the Dragonwave
>>> name...
>>>>> compared to what I would consider the benefits.
>>>>> Daniel White
>>>>> 3-dB Networks
>>>>> http://www.3dbnetworks.com
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org
>>>>>> [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>>>>> On Behalf Of Jeff Ehman
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:08 PM
>>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>>> All,
>>>>>> When comparing exactly apples to apples, there is about a 10-20%
>>>>> premium
>>>>>> for a Dragonwave product.
>>>>>> There are plenty of threads on this topic.  I would be happy to
>>>>>> grab
>>> a
>>>>>> bunch for you so hit me off off-list.  It really depends on your
>>>>>> application for which product you would like to go with.  I would
>>>>>> be more than happy to walk you through everything.
>>>>>> I try to refrain from stating opinions in a public forum.
>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org
>>>>>> [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>>>>> On Behalf Of Brad Belton
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:36 PM
>>>>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>>> Hello Daniel,
>>>>>> Can you elaborate in what way the Dragonwave "performance is much
>>>>>> better"?
>>>>>> Do you have a comparison chart you can share with us explaining
>>>>>> how
>>>>>> a Dragonwave stacks up against competing products.  Namely Trango
>>>>>> in this case.
>>>>>> Exactly how close is "close" when you mention pricing between the
>>>>>> two products?  "Close" is a relative term don't you agree?  So,
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> we talking $5, $50, $500, $5000?
>>>>>> Look forward to your responses.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Brad
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org
>>>>>> [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>>>>> On Behalf Of 3-dB Networks
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:25 PM
>>>>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>>> Well...
>>>>>> I'd be happy to quote you a Dragonwave link... I think you will be
>>>>>> surprised how close it comes to the Trango pricing... and I think
>>>>>> the performance is much better (I don't want to rehash that whole
>>> thread).
>>>>>> We also will take care of all of the licensing work for you.
>>>>>> Hit me offlist if you like.
>>>>>> Daniel White
>>>>>> 3-dB Networks
>>>>>> http://www.3dbnetworks.com
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org
>>>>>>> [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]
>>>>> On
>>>>>>> Behalf Of Andrew Niemantsverdriet
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:08 AM
>>>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>>>> Subject: [WISPA] Need 18ghz link
>>>>>>> I am looking for a good place to get an 18ghz link, where do you
>>> guys
>>>>>>> suggest. Ideally the company would also procure the licence for
>> us.
>>> I
>>>>>>> am thinking I want the Trango APEX because of it cost /
>> performance.
>>>>>>> So if anybody has suggestions on a good company to use I am all
>>> ears!
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>> /-\ ndrew
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>> ---
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>WISPA Wants You! Join today!
>WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org
>Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/

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WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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