I'm just glad that only your foot went through the ceiling!

As an FYI, if we do any damage to a house we send out the repair people. 
The customer still gets billed for our install, but we take care of fixing 
the damage that was done.  My best one like this was when I removed a sat. 
dish and mounting arm.  I put up my arm but the screw holes were off by half 
an inch or so.  When I ran my 1 1/2" lag screw into the side of the house it 
hit an electrical run.  No the run shouldn't have been that close to the 
siding, but there it was....  sigh

$750 or so later all was good.  The electrician had to pull the siding off 
the house, go into the attic where he installed a new box that fed a new 
wire all the way down to the outlet in the wall.  ug

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Miller" <joe.mil...@dslbyair.com>
To: <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 6:09 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Knowing when to stop doing installs yourself,they are for 
the young

> This should make for a good read, or a good laugh.
> This week, my installer has been out of town. However, business still goes 
> on. I decided to do some of the installs while he is away. Nothing was 
> different about these installs from the hundreds of installs that I've 
> done in the past.
> The first install that I did on Tuesday of this week resulted in drilling 
> a small hole in my right hand. I was trying to drill a hole into a blank 
> wall plate. All of the sudden, it shattered into about 10 pieces. What the 
> hell was I thinking. I've never tried to do that in the past. I've always 
> used a 2x4 or something like that to back it up to keep that from 
> happening. It was getting late and I took a short cut. My right hand is 
> still paying the price for that one.
> The second install resulted in putting my foot through the ceiling due to 
> not have full use of my right hand from the install the day before. 
> Walking around in ceilings requires the use of both hands. Well, my right 
> hand, still in pain from the install the day before, was having issues 
> with it being used. Anyway, while moving around in the attic area for the 
> third time to fish up my cat5 cable and to remove the tools that I put up 
> there, I slipped on one of the ceiling joists and put my foot through the 
> sheetrock. I though the homeowner was going to come unglued, but he was 
> pretty cool about it. He was more concerned about me than his ceiling. In 
> order to save face, I gave him the $249.00 install for free, gave him the 
> new router and USB wireless adapter (cost of $100.00) for free as well. 
> Along with a free months service of $49.95. This was to help cover the 
> cost of the repair of the sheetrock. The hole in the ceiling was the size 
> of my size 13 shoe.
> And of course I'm really sore this morning writing this.
> Anyway, the whole point of writing this is that there is a time in 
> everyone's life when you have to leave the installs to the younger ones. 
> I'm not saying I'm too old to do this, but after running cable in houses 
> for over 20 years, it is time to let others take care of it. Even if it 
> means putting off installs for new customers. As the VP of Operations for 
> my company, I've always had the "just get it done" attitude. There is 
> nothing that my company does that I cannot do, and I have. It doesn't mean 
> that "I" have to do them. When that time comes, you just have to learn how 
> to delegate those jobs out.
> Now that everyone has had a laugh at my expense, (it's ok). Maybe someone 
> here can learn from what I did this week and not make the same mistakes. 
> The main thing is that we do our jobs well. And above all...we do them 
> safely.
> Joe Miller
> DSLbyAir, LLC
> 228-238-2563
> www.dslbyair.com
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