Hi Scott,

>What has WISPA came up with to help WISP's get in on the broadband stimulus 
>package? Throw me some bait? As I promised before, my membership fees(after 
>>tax season) are sitting here... give me something to bite. Not being an A**, 
>but I belonged to one place(not WISPA), but didn't get much out of it.

>I did receive an invitation from Double Radius to help me get in on this. Just 
>wanting to know if WISPA got anything going on, before I jump on that 
>>opportunity? One of my regular suppliers that I trust.

>From someone who's successfully navigated this process in various iterations, 
>the process of putting in an application for government funding (be it 
>RUS/NTIA/etc) is something that's measured in inches of thickness of paper and 
>months (or years) of labor -- at the last ISPCON, Donny Bell, a WISP out of 
>Minnesota mentioned that he spent in excess of $250k in time / effort / 
>manpower / legal fees for his first RUS loan application -- and was denied!

Keep in mind too, if you take a look at the comments on the stimulus funding, 
there were thousands of comments (and many from people with deep pockets and 
plenty of lawyers and DC lobbying) -- the competition for this money will be, 
IMO, incredibly stiff and will require a full-time expensive, sustained effort 
if you even want to have a chance to win

I think it's a bit unrealistic to expect $250 / year in dues to provide you a 
turn-key solution for grant funding

That said, for your information -- here's a link to the latest in BTOP updates: 


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: RickG <rgunder...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: WISPA General List <wireless@wispa.org>
Date:  Sun, 24 May 2009 13:00:41 -0400

>I find the "secret sauce" of converting a customer a very interesting
>subject as well. For the most part nearly every WISP I have run had a
>monopoly. The ones that didnt had a niche of some kind. My first
>owner/operator venture was not good because it was in a highly
>competitive market and I could not overcome the "go with the big
>company" mentality. My customers said I gave great service but even
>they succumbed to price. Therefore, I sold that and went back to the
>monopoly world (read boondocks). Even here, I eventually expect
>competition to enter my market. It would be nice to know the "secret
>sauce" so I can be better prepared for that day.
>On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Charles Wu <c...@cticonnect.com> wrote:
>>>All I can say is if you are "holding back" on doing more installs because 
>>>you can't afford it, you need to find some financing and get installing. 
>>>Once that customer is installed with something else (DSL, >Cable, 
>>>competitor), it's 10x harder to get them to switch to you. You have to get 
>>>the customers NOW.
>> Now that's a more interesting discussion
>> What's the business plan for customer acquisition?  Do you still keep 
>> building out into unserved areas (e.g., "first to market")?
>> At this point, I would guess that most areas have competition - so then is 
>> the business model based upon arbitraging attrition and moves?
>> e.g., the average American moves every 7 years - so that means 12% of the 
>> population is available "yearly" as a "new customer"
>> So, say you have 5,000 customers in a market of 100,000
>> You'll churn 1%  / month (50) - but there's a market of "new adds" of 1,000 
>> customers every month due to just organic moving activity...so assuming 20% 
>> market share, market equilibrium would be 20,000 subscribers
>> Not necessarily a bad thing =)
>> That said, I'd be curious to talk about "secret sauce" methods to convert 
>> customers from the competition
>> -Charles
>> Charles Wu wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Regarding debt...I've found that there's a "scale inflection point" in 
>> running a WISP (or any business for the matter) that needs to be reached -- 
>> the main purpose for taking on debt (because due to interest, you end up 
>> paying more in the longer term instead of buying cash), is to accelerate 
>> growth so one can progress beyond this point
>> e.g., if you can organically fund 30 new installs a month with cash, if you 
>> take on debt, you could leverage yourself and now do 100 installs / month
>> Now, from a business perspective -- in looking at the WISP
>> As a stand-alone sustainable business -- it costs a minimum of about $30k / 
>> month to operate a small WISP -- now, I'll argue that that $30k/month in 
>> operations remains relatively constant and whether it's supporting 300, 800 
>> or 1500 customers -- however, at 300 customers, the business is bleeding 
>> cash...at 800 customers the business is just about at a break-even, and at 
>> 1500 customers, the business is a cash machine
>> -Charles
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org<mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org> 
>> [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On Behalf Of Scott Reed
>> Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 4:20 PM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Quesiton on Funding / Financing / Capital Availability
>> So I will take option 4 from a previous post since Travis made the point.
>> "Up to 60 months with $1 buyout is the same as a 5 year bank loan."
>> I want to run debt free as soon a possible.  That being the case I don't
>> lease and have not leased to keep debt down.  I do have a start-up loan
>> that is being paid on a little slower than I would like, but we have
>> paid off 1/2 of it in < 5 years and based on our payments, we are cash
>> flow positive.
>> Granted, my WISP is a lot smaller than many that post here and our
>> growth rate is small, but some of that is managing growth to stay
>> cash-flow positive.
>> I have seen several companies die because they became cash rich, but
>> still could not cover the debt.
>> Travis Johnson wrote:
>> The banks can sell a car with little effort. They already have
>> relationships with dealers and auctions. And often, if the consumer's
>> credit is questionable, the dealer will guarantee to take the car back
>> if the loan defaults.
>> Who is going to buy a $10,000 radio that has been repo'd? Even for
>> $5k, I wouldn't touch it. I'd buy a new radio with warranty, that I
>> know is good and hasn't been fried or broken.
>> The banks will never loan on the equipment alone. There is no security
>> there... but again, why do you need a bank loan for equipment when you
>> can just lease it and get the same results? Up to 60 months with $1
>> buyout is the same as a 5 year bank loan. What's the difference?
>> Travis
>> Microserv
>> Tom DeReggi wrote:
>> Maybe when talking about CPE.
>> But what about when one is talking about a $10,000 Part101 radio?
>> Just like a car, all that the lender should need is to "hold the title" of
>> the radio until paid off, and get a down payment of $2000 to cover the cost
>> of tower climber/repo man, and a signed letter of authorization from lanlord
>> stating the location of the tower gear is installed on and they acknowledge
>> that the gear is not abandoned equipment. (So it does not automatically
>> become property of landlord in 4 months, and teh landlord knows the
>> equipment owner has first rights to the gear).
>> Think about it... Wouldn't repo costs be reduced when the repo man knows
>> exactly where to find the radio? A car can easilly be relocated and
>> hard-to-find, when the owner skips town.
>> Plus the home likely has an owner with a shot gun or a big dog, which the
>> tower/MTU likely does not.  The MTU building might even have a security
>> guard to escort teh lender safely to the roof :-)
>> Tom DeReggi
>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "jp" <j...@saucer.midcoast.com><mailto:j...@saucer.midcoast.com>
>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org><mailto:wireless@wispa.org>
>> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:13 AM
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Quesiton on Funding / Financing / Capital Availability
>> In a worse case scenario, a car is probably considerably easier to repo
>> than the antenna on my roof and radio in my attic. And the car would be
>> worth a magnitude more money. The installed infrastructure is worthless
>> if it costs a huge amount to get to it.
>> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 07:27:09PM -0400, Tom DeReggi wrote:
>> I've never found a lender willing to lend against using the in-place used
>> equipment as colladeral.
>> It is the biggest double standard.
>> I find it highly ironic that they'll use a car for colladeral that looses
>> 50% of its value the day it leaves the lot, and has a rate of failure and
>> risk of damage higher than just about any product on the market, and it
>> has
>> a huge cash burn (gas :-). but yet lendors won't put equivellent value on
>> wireless gear, that holds its value, Ebay boasting easilly 50% after 3-4
>> years of use, even after fully depreciated.
>> I'll never understand the lending market.
>> Tom DeReggi
>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: <rea...@muddyfrogwater.us><mailto:rea...@muddyfrogwater.us>
>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org><mailto:wireless@wispa.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:55 PM
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Quesiton on Funding / Financing / Capital
>> Availability
>> Answers in-line.
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> <insert witty tagline here>
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Charles Wu" <c...@cticonnect.com><mailto:c...@cticonnect.com>
>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org><mailto:wireless@wispa.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:49 AM
>> Subject: [WISPA] Quesiton on Funding / Financing / Capital Availability
>> With all the hype being generated by the stimulus bill, we have been
>> approached by a multitude of third party financial organizations that
>> have
>> a renewed interest in potentially financing rural broadband...now,
>> specifically, for WISPs, in the past, equipment leasing has been a
>> very
>> popular option for financing, but in looking at our numbers over the
>> past
>> year, I've noticed a marked decline in the amount of leasing that we
>> do -
>> that said, I have the following questions for the listserv about
>> financing
>> Assuming that WISPs are still need to buy equipment...
>> 1. Are you able to just purchase equipment out of cash-flow
>> organically
>> generated from operations
>> Other than originally starting with our own personal seed money, that's
>> what
>> we've done.
>> 2. Have you gone to more traditional forms of money (e.g., bank / SBA
>> /
>> RUS loans)?
>> I could not qualify for any of them.
>> 3. Are you doing more vendor leasing programs (e.g., Motorola 3%
>> financing
>> deal)
>> Never sought any.
>> 4. Have you not been able to borrow money due to the credit crunch
>> (e.g.,
>> not deploying as aggressively)
>> My corporation hasn't ever been able to obtain hard money credit.    In
>> fact, the "credit crunch" start last Fall raised my "30+ day past due"
>> amount from a piddly $1200 to at one time to almost $13,000 in just
>> four
>> months.   That almost put us under, and we're still barely scraping by
>> until
>> our seasonally variable cash flow revives come August, with still
>> several
>> thousand on the books that's very slowly getting chipped away at.
>> 5. Are you holding off on deployments because of the economy
>> No, we're holding off due to lack of cash flow.   We have plenty of
>> people
>> waiting for us to build infrastructure out to them.
>> 6. Have you gone to Agility...<cough> Louie the loanshark =)
>> After much discussion, being some of the first people Agility
>> contacted,
>> we
>> have not done any business with them.   In my estimation, they wanted
>> control over our business and day to day decisions, which we concluded
>> was
>> both unwarranted and unwise.
>> Or any other thoughts / comments on this topic?
>> WISP equipment is not really a "commodity" in that there is almost no
>> market
>> for it outside of the "maker-vendor" relationship.  Other than Ebay,
>> and a
>> couple of people who attempt to do it piecemeal, there is no "market"
>> which
>> stabilizes the value of used equipment, making them a commodity you can
>> borrow against.
>> Perhaps it would be more useful, if vendors had the ability to get
>> capital
>> and create stable working and short term credit relationships with
>> their
>> buyers, kind of like the used car market.
>> -Charles
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