This year I moved from 1 PC doing everything to 4x RB411AH and 1x 493 just 
so I can better troubleshoot problems, which haven't happened in the 90 or 
so days of uptime they've had since.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

From: "jp" <>
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 9:42 AM
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Gettin sick of Microtik

> 1st lesson; don't try new things (untested hardware combinations) with
> remote locations. Don't do upgrades on Friday either, as you might not
> have the staff or time to deal with problem potential from surprises
> over the weekend. This isn't MT specific advice.
> You could try running it on two RBs instead of one incase there is power
> or interference from the card's proximity.
> I mostly use telnet/ssh to configure the MTs and I can surely copy and
> paste in that. We also keep a database of MTs and use a cron script that
> goes in and exports each MT once a week and deposits it's configuration
> to a central location. Then we have backups of all our MT configs that
> we can reference for copy&paste/upgrades/reprogramming.
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:07:33PM -0700, Forbes Mercy wrote:
>> I had a whole lot planned for this weekend, instead I spent 15 hours
>> of it working on an AP that won't behave.  It's the third long fix
>> period I've had to do for Microtik this weekend, while I do have 20
>> AP's and backhauls under that brand, none work easily, and the
>> frustrations are plentiful.
>> SO Last week we upgraded a prizim chip to an XR2 on a three radio card
>> 133c.  We started to have problems with the new card randomly dropping
>> then after disable/enable would come back up.  As the week went on it
>> happened more frequently.  First solution, change out the new card, no
>> difference.  The next was a new power supply.  Figured that was it
>> since the 133 was running on a 12v, we upgraded to an 18iv, no change.
>> So this weekend upgraded to a 433ah board and the three cards (2 XR2's
>> and 1 SR1 as you know you can't put three XR2's in a 433 cause they
>> made the slots too close together), no change, now the board wouldn't
>> drop the connections it just increased latency dramatically after a
>> few minutes, then resume low pings (average at this tower is 4ms) for
>> about 50 cycles then get worse until about 4000 then time outs.
>> Today after manually entering the 120 people on the new board (four
>> hours since you can't cut/paste to a Microtik) the ethernet port
>> dropped.  I should point out I'm on my third trip up my steepest
>> mountain where my jeep struggles to get up it.  Power cycle and it's
>> up (yes I'm well aware of remote reboot systems but its never been a
>> problem so it was low priority).  Tonight my after hours is slammed
>> with "my Internet is so slow" calls from that tower and sure enough
>> 4000ms pings.  I've spent all weekend on it and I don't know what else
>> to do, any ideas out there?  I know these radio's pretty well so I've
>> tried the simple stuff (adjust power, change frequencies, blah blah)
>> HELP!
>> Not a pretty weekend,
>> Forbes
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