I found this interesting.


"The US Federal Communications Commission is considering a plan that
would reclaim some precious airwaves from the country's television
broadcasters and reinvent them as wireless broadband.

According to the /Wall Street Journal/
the FCC intends to release the plan on Friday as part of an effort to
ensure that there's enough wireless bandwidth for the America [/sic/] of
the future. "The record is very clear that we're facing a looming
spectrum gap," said Blair Levin, who oversees the plan, part of a wider
push to expand US broadband.

The plan would involve the FCC buying spectrum back from TV folk and
then auctioning it off to wireless folk.

The FCC has already opened up the television "white spaces" as
unlicensed spectrum, hoping to create a kind of "WiFi on steroids
But the new plan creates vast swathes of licensed wireless broadband,
providing more bandwidth for the likes of AT&T and Verizon."

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