MT provides a specially modified RB14 (at least they did a few years ago) 
that handles multiple high power cards.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

From: "jp" <>
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 11:17 AM
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] One long @#$%& day!

> I don't think an rb14 can handle the power need of multiple XR cards.
> I'd suggest unless you have a good reason besides saving $100, either
> use routerboards or stick to manufactured radio systems from a reputable
> and reliable manufacturer.
> You pay more money or give up a little flexibility, but it gives YOU
> more time to gain customers, sleep, etc... I love tinkering as much as
> the next guy, and I have a a variety of MT links, but I stick to
> familiar and trusted components despite the alluring variety of parts
> out there. Far Far outnumbering MT radios on my network are brand name
> radios from folks like Alvarion, Trango, and others. If I built all my
> radios and APs, I'd be out of business in a hurry as I'd be working full
> time tinkering instead of running an ISP, or hiring staff to build
> radio equipment instead of installing and taking care of customers.
> On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 03:49:59AM -0800, MDK wrote:
>> It's 2:30 AM...
>> I just drove up to the house, and walked VERY fast inside.   After all,
>> says that it's 12 degrees and an 8 MPH wind.   In their head,
>> maybe.    Outside of the little valley I live in, the wind's more like 25
>> mph.   There's no snow on the ground.
>> I don't make a habit of staying up late,  but last night, I was doing one 
>> of
>> those "let's just have some fun" looking around sessions on EBAY.   Next
>> thing I knew, it was nearly 3AM.   Without shutting anything down, I just
>> crawled into bed.   At 8:45 my cell phone rang...  I didn't answer it, 
>> but I
>> did get up.  Looked at my computer and Peer Monitor says... nothing is
>> connected.    Now, I have had some issues with one of the dist points a 
>> few
>> miles outside of town.    It had randomly locked up 3 times last week.
>> Each time, I thought I had found the problem and not worried about it.
>> The first time for instance, it was extremely dense fog, and I found the
>> ventilation fan running in the box.   Thinking I had sucked in too much
>> damp, I just shut it off and rebooted.   The locked up system is a 
>> mini-itx
>> board and RB 14 adapter card W/4 radios...
>> Obviously, I was wrong.   Something was wrong.   It had run since Friday,
>> but now it's Sun AM and PM says I've been off for 3 hours.   It's died 2
>> other times since the fog incident, so... Houston, we have a problem...
>> I quick yanked on some clothes and drove up the mountain to the site, 
>> used
>> the step ladder to get to the box lid and looked in.  Restarted and
>> everything went off just fine.     But, it's now done this several times.
>> And that's not good or right.   I look in the van.   Spare mini-ITX 
>> board,
>> licensed.   Spare RB14, 2 spare radios, including an XR5, just like 
>> what's
>> up there.    Anyway, morning zips by, and I have an appointment in the
>> afternoon to switch a family friend's computer out for her.   So, I go to 
>> do
>> that and she's not home.   That's odd.  I could have sworn she said she'd 
>> be
>> there at 2...   I wanted to be home, nice and warm and setting up the new
>> board so I could change in in daylight tomorrow.
>> So, I go to the workshop and do some stuff I've been putting off and ...
>> fall asleep, waiting for an OS install to finish.   When I wake up, it's
>> after 5.   Must have slept at least 15 min... Sheesh.   So, I get up, 
>> drive
>> over to house, start the project.   30 min later, my phone beeps.   Text
>> message...  Site's down.    ARRRGGH.
>> 25 minute drive to the site and I reboot it.    Go home, pull out the 
>> parts
>> and start to assemble the whole thing.   It goes down again .   Drive 
>> back
>> up, restart.   This time, nothing will coax it into running.   Finally, I
>> pull everything out, and take it home.   Now the phone's going nuts.  I 
>> just
>> put 60 customers down.   I take it home, cause it's COLD out there on the
>> hillside... and everything runs flawlessly.   Just to be judicious, I 
>> grab a
>> config backup off of it, 'cause it's changed lately and my last backup is 
>> a
>> few weeks old.
>> I haul it up the mountain, put it back in place... No run.
>> So, I go home, grab the spare mini-itx, use the backup config and haul it 
>> up
>> the mountain.
>> Won't boot.  Doesn't even beep.    Power comes on, but no beep.
>> Haul it down the mountain, back home (this is .7 miles of rocky pasture I
>> drive through at idle in 1st gear, then 5 miles of paved road.  Takes 20 
>> min
>> round trip) with all the parts.   Runs flawlessly.     Haul it back up 
>> the
>> mountain, plug it in, boots, but locks 5 to 60 seconds after booting.
>> Inspect EVERYTHING (it's dark, so had to do it all by flashlight) again. 
>> I
>> see nothing.   So, I grab the spare RB14, switch the radios over and plug 
>> it
>> in.   Boots.   Lights flash.   Fire up the laptop and no.  It's not 
>> working.
>> log in through ethernet port... NO RADIOS DETECTED.
>> Put old RB14 back in, change one radio.   Boots up.  Logs in.   all 
>> radios
>> detect, data flowing to customers.
>> Drive home.   Try to thaw out.   The wind up there is 25 mph and it cuts
>> like a knife through you.    Log in from home and watch everything, 
>> suddenly
>> noticed one of the ap radios has no clients.   Odd.   Look at config, 
>> looks
>> ok, reset radio, clients begin to associate.   As they slowly hop on, I'm
>> sitting there wondering why this... and just then,  PM suddenly starts
>> popping up red.    Sure enough.   System locked.
>> Drive up the mountain, put in second spare radio in place of XR5 and 
>> boot.
>> (Spare XR5, was used for 2 weeks in temp site).    System boots and runs 
>> and
>> ...   No link to the XR5.    Try new pigtail.    Dead.    How strange. 
>> It
>> worked fine just 9 days ago, and it's been stored in the ALIX board it 
>> was
>> installed and working in all this time.
>> As I'm sitting and watching while sitting in the van, trying to stop
>> shivering with the heat on full blast, It locks up again.  I reboot.
>> Everything comes up, I had put the old XR5 in, and everything starts
>> working - apparently it wasn't the pigtail, just the replacement XR5 that
>> had no output.   Waited 15 min, still running.   Go home.   Look at Peer
>> Monitor.   All Green.     Suddenly, a bunch of stuff goes red, and it's 
>> all
>> far away.   Call partner.   He's a whole state away, forgot he wasn't 
>> coming
>> back from his relatives until Mon night...  But the red stuff's near him.
>> As is the workshop.
>> It's now almost 11 pm.    The van has almost no gas left, the nearest 
>> open
>> gas station is 23 miles away.    So, I drive to the workshop, to find out
>> why on earth the shop and some other stuff was red, and everything's fine
>> when I get there.    Finally decided that I must have removed a routing
>> statement earlier that I needed instead of the right one.   Started going 
>> up
>> the chain, looking at all the routing.    No routing errors located, but 
>> the
>> very last device before the backhaul to the site that feeds my town....
>> shows no link.   I call home,  son verifies... Site's down again.
>> Said a few angry outbursts...    Looked around found another new RB14, 
>> put
>> ALL new radios in it.  Determine the new RB14 doesn't look anything like 
>> the
>> old one.   Determined which slots are numbered which, so I can know which
>> pigtails go where...   Go to gas station, get gas.   Stop at Walmart on 
>> the
>> way back, get REALLY WARM HAT for the head, and drive back to the 
>> mountain.
>> Somewhere in there I stopped and got junk food to eat too.   Hadn't had 
>> food
>> since 1:30 PM.   Was feeling faint.    That took over an hour.
>> Drive back up the mountain,  remove old RB14 and old radios, put in new.
>> System wont' start now.
>> Pull board and everyting, look at it in the light.   See no problem. 
>> Put
>> it back in, plug everything in, then I found I had bumped the "off" 
>> switch
>> on the #$%&^ power strip.     Flip switch, plug in PS, lights come on.
>> Since no XR9 is in use now, a pigtail is wrong, so I get a new piggy and
>> replace the old one with a UFL/NFBulkhead...  Piggy is cold and it takes
>> about 30 tries to get the UFL connector on, even tried "warming" it with 
>> my
>> hands.   Err, my hand shaped chunks of ice.    It takes 3 sessions to get
>> the pigtail in place on the bulkhead end. It took several to get the UFL 
>> end
>> on.   I was able to stand outside just long enough to push the threaded 
>> end
>> through the hole.   Go sit in van.   Get out, get nut properly threaded.
>> Get back in van.     Tighten nut with fingers.   Can't find tools I had
>> earlier.   Get in van.    Finally, get out of van with gloves on, and 
>> hand
>> tighten the n connector.   Get back in van.   Can't feel my hand touch my
>> face.   My hand can't feel the difference betwene inside the glove, in 
>> front
>> of the incredibly hot air coming out of the heater, or touching the cold
>> glass window beside me.  I could not even get 2 minutes outside before 
>> pain
>> so intense from the cold wind drove me back inside.     Drive home.
>> EVERYTHING IS UP.    Oh, wait.   Several sites are going
>> yellow/red/yellow/green/yellow/red repeat adnauseum...
>> So,  I start looking.   Finally, discover that the 3.65 backhaul has 120 
>> to
>> 400 ms ping times across it.   Even though it's passing just 40 to 100KB 
>> of
>> data.    Restart both ends.   No help.    Then, I noticed that quality on
>> end is zilch, but the other end is running 18 to 36 speed, instead of 54.
>> Lock back faster end to 36 and pings drop to 2-8 ms.   Great.   Another 
>> bad
>> XR3...   This one's up on a pole, about 18 feet off the ground, on top of 
>> a
>> hill at a wind powered site.   I think it'll wait until tomorrow.
>> Oh, wait... I ##$%%^ forgot to close the danged gate, so I drove back up 
>> the
>> mountain.    Closed gate.   Wind is 5 mph stronger AT LEAST and 2-4 
>> degrees
>> COLDER than it was last time I was up there.     The moon is pretty. 
>> Stars
>> are awesome.     I can't stand outside to admire them.
>>  Ok, the system's been up for long enough.  I'm going to bed.   Now it's
>> 3:30 and I can't keep my eyes open.    I hope I'm forgiven if I turn off 
>> the
>> cell phone and hope to sleep in....    And I still DON"T KNOW WHICH PARTS
>> ARE GOOD OR BAD!!!!!!!
>> I'm going to have nightmares.
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