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On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Jerry Richardson

> How did politics get in my inbox?
> Who's moderating this list anyway? They are asleep at the wheel!
> Sent Mobile
> Jerry Richardson
> airCloud Communications
> On Feb 2, 2010, at 1:20 PM, "Philip Dorr"
> <> wrote:
> > 5% Truman
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Marco Coelho <>
> > wrote:
> >> I'm going to get my Junior chemistry set out and design a
> >> President.....  5% of Lincoln, 25% Teddy Roosevelt, 25% Ronald
> >> Reagan,
> >> 20% Bush Jr., 25% ??  Suggestions? Patton maybe? Churchill? A blend?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Marco
> >>
> >> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Robert West <
> >> > wrote:
> >>> I liked him.  Voted for him.  Now, had enough of him.  Where's LBJ
> >>> when we
> >>> need him?!!!  :)
> >>>
> >>> Bob-
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: [mailto:wireless-
> >>>] On
> >>> Behalf Of Josh Luthman
> >>> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 11:56 PM
> >>> To: WISPA General List
> >>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Follow up article
> >>>
> >>> You know I really didn't like Obama in the beginning.
> >>>
> >>> Now he's really pissing me off.
> >>>
> >>> Josh Luthman
> >>> Office: 937-552-2340
> >>> Direct: 937-552-2343
> >>> 1100 Wayne St
> >>> Suite 1337
> >>> Troy, OH 45373
> >>>
> >>> "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to
> >>> continue
> >>> that counts."
> >>> --- Winston Churchill
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:53 PM, RickG <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I was just wondering about this the other day. It seems that we
> >>>> (USA) give
> >>>> things away so freely only to have them used against us. In the
> >>>> case of
> >>> the
> >>>> net, I find it ironic that the very thing we developed is being
> >>>> used to
> >>>> attack our government and our people in so many ways yet we let
> >>>> everyone
> >>>> connect to it. I think we should start cutting of the ilk that
> >>>> hack or
> >>>> attempt to hack into our networks.
> >>>> -RickG
> >>>>
> >>>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Chuck Profito <
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>> From NewsMax:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Sunday, 31 Jan 2010 06:41 PM Article Font Size
> >>>>> By: Bradley A. Blakeman
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Without the ingenuity of America's brightest minds and the
> >>>>> investment of
> >>>>> U.S. taxpayer dollars, there would be no Internet, as we now
> >>>>> know it
> >>>> today.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now, the Obama administration has moved quietly to cede control
> >>>>> of the
> >>>> Web
> >>>>> from the United States to foreign powers.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Some background: The Internet came into being because of the
> >>>>> genius work
> >>>> of
> >>>>> Americans Dr.Robert E. Kahn and Dr. Vinton G. Cerf. These men,
> >>>>> while
> >>>>> working
> >>>>> for the Department of Defense in the Defense Advanced Research
> >>>>> Projects
> >>>>> Agency in the early 1970s, conceived, designed, and implemented
> >>>>> the idea
> >>>> of
> >>>>> "open-architecture networking."
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This breakthrough in connectivity and networking was the birth
> >>>>> of the
> >>>>> Internet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> These two gentlemen had the vision and the brainpower to create a
> >>>> worldwide
> >>>>> computer Internet communications network that forever changed
> >>>>> the world
> >>>> and
> >>>>> how we communicate in it.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> They discovered that providing a person with a unique identifier
> >>>>> (TCP/IP)that was able to be recognized and interact through a
> >>>>> network of
> >>>>> servers would allow users to communicate with others.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The servers woulduse a series of giant receivers to recognize the
> >>>>> identifier
> >>>>> and connect networks to networks, passing on information from
> >>>>> computer
> >>> to
> >>>>> computer in a seamless real-time exchange of information. This new
> >>>> process
> >>>>> of communication became know as the "information super highway,"
> >>>>> aka,
> >>> the
> >>>>> Internet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now for the bad news: In an effort to show the world how
> >>>>> inclusive,
> >>>>> sharing,
> >>>>> cooperative, and international America can be, the Obama
> >>>>> administration
> >>>> set
> >>>>> off on a plan to surrender control and key management of the
> >>>>> Internet by
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> U.S. Department of Commerce and its agents.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The key to the control America has over the Internet is through
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> management of the Domain Name System (DNS) and the giant servers
> >>>>> that
> >>>>> service the Internet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Domain names are managed through an entity named IANA, the
> >>>>> Internet
> >>>>> Assigned
> >>>>> Numbers Authority. The IANA, which operates on behalf of the U.S.
> >>>>> Department
> >>>>> of Commerce, is responsible for the global coordination of the
> >>>>> DNS, IP
> >>>>> addressing, and other Internet protocol resources.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In short, without an IP Address or other essential Internet
> >>>>> protocols, a
> >>>>> person or entity would not have access to the Internet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> For years, the international community has been pressuring the
> >>>>> United
> >>>>> States
> >>>>> to surrender its control and management of the Internet. They
> >>>>> want an
> >>>>> international body such as the United Nations or even the
> >>>>> International
> >>>>> Telecommunications Union, (an entity that coordinates
> >>>>> international
> >>>>> telephone communications), to manage all aspects of the Internet
> >>>>> in
> >>>> behalf
> >>>>> of all nations.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The argument advanced for those seeking international control of
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> Internet is that the Internet has become such a powerful,
> >>>>> pervasive, and
> >>>> a
> >>>>> dependent form of international communications, that it would be
> >>>> dangerous
> >>>>> and inequitable for any one nation to control and manage it.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Just this past spring, within months of Obama's taking office, his
> >>>>> administration, through the Department of Commerce, agreed to
> >>>>> relinquish
> >>>>> some control over IANA and their governance. The Obama
> >>>>> administration
> >>> has
> >>>>> agreed to give greater representation to foreign companies and
> >>>>> countries
> >>>> on
> >>>>> IANA.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This amounts to one small step for internationalism and one
> >>>>> giant leap
> >>>> for
> >>>>> surrendering America's control over an invention we have every
> >>>>> right and
> >>>>> responsibility to control and manage.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It is in America's economic and national security interests not to
> >>>>> relinquish any control. We are responsible for the control,
> >>>>> operation,
> >>>> and
> >>>>> functionality of one of the modern world's greatest inventions
> >>>>> and most
> >>>>> powerful communications network.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What better country to protect the Internet than the United
> >>>>> States?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> We invented it, and we paid for the research and implementation
> >>>>> that
> >>> made
> >>>>> it
> >>>>> possible. We are the freest, most tolerant nation on earth, we
> >>>>> believe
> >>> in
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> fundamental right of free speech, and we practice a free market of
> >>>> commerce
> >>>>> and ideas.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> America has always been against censorship and has shared its
> >>>>> invention
> >>>>> with
> >>>>> the world without fee or unreasonable or arbitrary restriction.
> >>>>> The user
> >>>>> fee
> >>>>> to operate on the Internet is not one paid to the U.S.
> >>>>> government; a
> >>>>> consumer pays it to private Internet companies, who provide
> >>>>> access to
> >>> the
> >>>>> Internet through servers for their subscribers.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Look no further than China's recent move against Google to
> >>>>> censor the
> >>>>> Internet, and you can envision what can happen when other
> >>>>> nations less
> >>>> free
> >>>>> than the United States seek to control the Internet beyond even
> >>>>> their
> >>> own
> >>>>> borders.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> America needs to wake up. If we lose control over the management
> >>>>> of the
> >>>>> Internet, we have given away one of our nation's greatest assets
> >>>>> with
> >>>>> nothing
> >>>>> in return to show for it.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The Obama administration's actions will set in motion a slow and
> >>> complete
> >>>>> takeover of the Internet by the United Nations or some other
> >>>>> equally
> >>>>> U.S.-hostile and unfriendly international body. And once it is
> >>>>> gone, it
> >>>>> will
> >>>>> be gone forever.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The surrender of the Internet will spell disaster for our nation,
> >>>>> financially, as well as for safety, security and our standing as
> >>>>> a great
> >>>>> power that values freedom and the free exchange of ideas and
> >>> information.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> As far as I am concerned, America is still the last best hope
> >>>>> for a more
> >>>>> peaceful and prosperous world and our president should not be
> >>>>> looking
> >>> for
> >>>>> ways to weaken us. Rather, his job is to work to strengthen us and
> >>>> protect
> >>>>> our nation's greatest asset our people's creativity and ingenuity.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bradley A. Blakeman, who was a deputy assistant to President
> >>>>> George W.
> >>>> Bush
> >>>>> from 2001-20004, teaches Public Policy & Politics & International
> >>> Affairs
> >>>>> at
> >>>>> Georgetown University.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> C Newsmax. All rights reserved.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>> From: [mailto:wireless-
> >>>>>] On
> >>>>> Behalf Of RickG
> >>>>> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:58 PM
> >>>>> To: WISPA General List
> >>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Commissioner Robert McDowell's statement on
> >>>>> Broadband...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I wonder what the catch is :)
> >>>>> -RickG
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:07 PM, MDK <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> "First, do harm".
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> DOC-296081A1.pdf
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> This speech was made at the end of January...  At least ONE
> >>>>> commissioner's
> >>>>>> got his head on straight...
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>> ---
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> >> --
> >> Marco C. Coelho
> >> Argon Technologies Inc.
> >> POB 875
> >> Greenville, TX 75403-0875
> >> 903-455-5036
> >>
> >>
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