I have to echo Mike's sentiments on this subject.  If a kid is motivated,
they will find a way around any technical barrier that you put in place to
stop them from posting/texting/sexting/etc.  There are public computers,
cell-phones, ipod/ipads, thumb drives, and damn near a million ways to get
on line.

The best method to protect children has been around for years... Teach them
respect for themselves and others.  Teach them to recognize the difference
between right and wrong.  Teach them to be leaders not followers.  

I have two sons ages 9 and 11.  One's a WEBELOS (Cub Scout) & the other is a
TENDERFOOT (Boy Scout).  We have three or four planned activities every
month and it IS A TIME COMMITMENT!  The boys have learned how to camp, how
use a knife properly, how to shoot, & how to show respect to others, to the
flag, to our country, to god, and to family.  I used to think Boy Scouts
were a thing of the past... but I have renewed respect for the organization.
It provides a structure to teach boys many of the life-skills that have been
forgotten in this day-and-age and it provides an outlet to allow parents to
become involved in the lives of their children.

Best of luck to all of you parents, it's not easy but it is rewarding when
you can look back on the lives that you helped foster.

Larry Yunker

-----Original Message-----
From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On
Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 9:41 AM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: Re: [WISPA] how to protect your kids

Marlon asked: "So, what do the rest of you do to try to protect or control
your kids these days?"

I taught them respect for others.  I taught them to treat the janitor the
same as they'd treat the principal.  I taught them to befriend the

I taught them honesty and integrity, and demonstrated by example.  

Tell them regularly you are proud of them.  Trust them unless given reason
not to trust.  Listen.  Listen some more.  Ask good questions.  Show an
interest in what they are and what they do.

My situation may be different than some other's, but I did some other

I taught them how to handle guns with safety and to shoot.  I taught them
early how to drive a vehicle, as soon as they could see over the steering
wheel, we took the Jeep out in the sticks and I taught them to drive.  

Parenting is not easy.  Kids don't come with an owner's manual, and
unfortunately don't come with an on-off switch. 

God speed in your parenting.  Be careful you don't come down too hard and
alienate them.  Some such rifts last for years.

Be aware that at 13, a kid thinks you are the most stupid person in the
world, but at 21 will have an epiphany that you were right all along.  Be
aware that whoever coined the term "terrible twos," never met a 4 year old,
OR a 13 year old.


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