At 9/14/2010 02:11 PM, Jack Unger wrote:
>  FiberTower (and the mobile broadband industry) has been and still 
> is fighting hard to LICENSE 36-MHz wide chunks of TV White Space. 
> WISPA has been and is continuing to fight back hard against the 
> FiberTower Group proposal. If FiberTower is successful, will be 
> able to blow big holes through the TVWS spectrum that would have 
> been available for WISPs to use. This is a "fight to the death" for 
> TVWS. We are continuing waging to wage this fight as we speak and 
> we will continue fighting right up to (and if need be, beyond) the 
> 9/23 FCC Open Meeting.

Jack, reading their latest ex parte, it looked as if they were 
specifically targeting areas with many vacant channels, and asking to 
use only a subset of them for high-powered backhaul 
applications.  Would this be detrimental to the WISP community?  If 
it really were limited such that unlicensed or lightly-licensed (Part 
90 nonexclusive) white space had priority in areas with very few 
channels, then I don't see the harm in their proposal.  Indeed it 
could be useful for the WISP community too, if (and only if) 
non-exclusive, as it would allow us to build high-powered backhaul 
links too.  A Part 101-type path licensing regime would also allow that.

This might be a more practical compromise position, no?

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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