I had this happen once. We met and decided that even though I was the old
boy, I went ahead and switched to 900MHz. In the end, we got all the NLOS
 customers and he only got the fewer LOS.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Robert West <robert.w...@just-micro.com>wrote:

> I’m throwing this out there for another WISP to see if anyone has any
> experience with something like this or any ideas.
> Within the past year this operator was asked by a grain operator to bring
> broadband to all of their grain legs.  The operator had the idea of, instead
> of charging the grain dealer for the install, to offer the broadband for
> free in exchange for using the legs for access points and sell the service
> to local customers.  The grain dealer agreed, obviously, so he built out a
> fairly good sized network.  For equipment he is using all Ubiquiti radios
> and CPE units and with Pac grids and Bullets for his back haul and Rockets
> with sectors at the APs.  Network has been working perfectly.
> That’s the setup.  Now for the trouble.
> There was and still is an existing WISP in the area.  60 customers or so.
> (Grain dealer is associated with OLD wisp in a roundabout way but chose not
> to use him for whatever reason)  It’s reported that boy is in love with
> Bullets and OMNI antennas on all of his APs.  For CPEs he goes for large
> grids and Bullets, I believe.  He also pushes it as far as he can go, 5
> miles or more on those OMNI APs.  New operator is using 5.8 for Back Haul,
> 2.4 for CPE.  Old WISP calls new WISP almost immediately.  Interference
> taking down his network.  New wisp changes channels to those suggested by
> old wisp.  Calls again, interference.  New wisp changes channels again.
> Another phone call, he changes yet again.  Then drops down to 10MHz channels
> to give more room.  Still the phone calls.  For a time it was every evening
> he would have to deal with old wisp and still he wouldn’t be happy.  Old
> wisp then starts calling the owners of the grain legs raising hell and bad
> mouthing new wisp.  Leg owner calls new wisp, “What’s Up?”  Old wisp then
> wants to sell his network to new wisp for fantasy cash.  I tell new wisp,
> “Chill, don’t even think of buying that idiot and his duct tape network”.
> New wisp then buys a 3.65 license but we all know how long that sucker takes
> and the limitations it has with number of channels and the $$ premium per
> unit.  New wisp has been very nice to all parties and has done, from what I
> see, about all he can do.  He’s within all power regulations and has bent
> over backwards to every request put to him by this guy.  (One of the last
> comments from old WISP was that he would get a sector and, in so many words,
> blast him and take down his network)
> Now the latest.  Old wisp has contacted the leg owners and has put together
> a meeting between old wisp, all of new wisps grain leg owners, new wisp and
> two outside parties, one of which is related to old wisp boy.
> New Wisp is at a loss to what more can be accomplished other than old wisp
> upgrade his OMNIs to sectors in order to isolate the RF away from a
> competing channel.
> Anyone have any solid resolutions that he can throw out to old wisp boy ?
> Surely someone here has been there before.
> Thanks!
> Robert West
> Just Micro Digital Services Inc.
> 740-335-7020
> [image: Logo5]
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