At 1/15/2011 11:56 PM, ButchE wrote:
>On 01/13/2011 09:19 AM, Fred Goldstein wrote:
> > Personal opinion: IPv6 is worth less than the paper its RFC is
> > printed on. Ignore it and it will go away.  Really.
>Perhaps "personal opinion", but bad advice.

Obviously we have different opinions.

> > If one of your subscribers really needs to reach something only
> > accessible via IPv6, they can tunnel out.
>Have you even tried explaining how to configure their email client?
>Explaining IPv6 would be much harder.

You make my point.  IPv6 is needless complexity that doesn't solve 
the real problems while focusing on a non-problem that it doesn't solve anyway.

The only folks who would put up an IPv6-only site are a) Chinese (and 
we don't really care), or b) zealots who think they are on a mission 
from some diety to follow the advice of the IETF.  Anyone wanting to 
put up a site for the public will make it available on v4, and that 
is how the transition is planned to work.

So the average Joe who calls up and asks about how to configure 
Windows Mail or what-have-you will have no need for v6.  They won't 
know the difference, and won't need to connect to zealot sites.

> > Plus v6 is an abomination, a misdesign of immense proportions, so 
> you shouldn't
> > buy into Cisco's fantasies.
>Umm...IPv6 is not a "Cisco fantasy".   While I agree that there are some
>serious problems with the current implementation, I cannot say that it
>is a total waste.  There are some security issues to be sure, but for
>the most part, it works and works well.

It reminds me of the beer commercial, in reverse:  Tastes worse, more 
filling. Yes, it "works", but not as well as v4.  Billions of dollars 
of transition cost will result in negligible improvement.  Collossal 
waste, especially considering how they went out of their way to *not* 
fix things that were really broken.  In 1991, the public Internet 
didn't exist yet, so it was all a little club with little concern 
about massive cybercrime.  But it will result in a lot of new box 
sales for Cisco.

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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