Not to make suggestions after the fact but....

In the past, it was realized that flexibilty was lost in setting appropriate 
dues because there were only a limited number of classes (assoc, principal, 

It would make sense to also add to the bylaws and ballot, the ability for the 
board to set additional "classes" of membership.

The reason for this is... the majority class is currently "principle". 
Currently if the member prospect does not qualify for "principle" the 
alternative becomes the lower revenue "associate" class even if the prospect 
was a candidate appropriate to pay a higher rate. A class could be used to 
advertise specific companies as higher contributors, such as a Gold and Platnum 
principle member (a WISP that is larger or desired to donate more cash in 
excahnge for good will).  As well additional classes could be used to allow a 
membership without certain privilages that other WISPs might have. For example 
which Lists they have access to. (An example of that might have been the WCA 
3650 issue, where a telco might want to join to work on a specific project, but 
may not qualify as a typical WISP). Adding Classes, enables the ability to 
target alternate revenue streams, other than to raise principle member's dues, 
and without compromising principle member's voting power and association focus. 
 Alternatively, it would work to give the ability to add "sub-classes", that 
allowed fine tuning of rights or dues per that specific sub-class.  For 
example, manufacturer versus service provider versus investor. Or WISPs under 
500sub, 500-5000, and Large National providers > 5000.  Or Associate of 
government versus non-profit versus consultant, versus press, versus newbie 
exploring wireless.

I'm not suggesting defing classes now, just suggesting board given the ability 
to add classes, if needed in the future.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Victoria 
  To: 'WISPA General List' 
  Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 11:35 AM
  Subject: [WISPA] FW: WISPA Bylaws

  Dear Members,


  This election, you are going to be presented with proposed changes in the 
WISPA Bylaws.  Rick has posted these changes:

  Please take a moment and be familiar with them.  


  If you have any questions, please email to:


  Thanks and have a great Memorial Day!


  Best regards,

  Victoria Proffer 


  St. Louis Broadband, LLC



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