Thanks Scottie,
Actually what is happening is as follows, all users having this problem are using MS Vista or MS7.   We use Static IP's, 192.168.0.nnn or .10.nnn, .15.nnn, .20.nnn - when the assigned IP, mask, gateway and DSN's are entered at the user loc. "local area Connection properties" dialog and saved a yellow triangle w/ a ! appears over the Local Area Connection Icon, lower right, in the "Quick Launch toolbar".  When the mouse pointer is rested over the icon the message "Unidentified Network, No Network Access" appears.
It seems "Internet Explorer" reads the addressing data as a security risk and will not allow access.  Notwithstanding, microsoft's long and arduous efforts to provide us with secure communications, I feel they have overstepped my customers and my own needs for Microsoft Security where internet access is concerned.
My question is How Do I over come their enthusiasm with security where our internet access is concerned.
Ron Wallace
Tigernet Internet
trying to claw our way past Microsoft onto the Inet
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Problem with Access to Canopy network
From: "Scottie Arnett" <>
Date: Thu, November 10, 2011 8:52 am
To: "WISPA General List" <>

Are you doing DHCP with the client radios? If so, I remember some having problems if they used the 169.254.x.x private IP structure. Changing to another private structure solved the problem.
Scottie Arnett
Info-Ed, Inc.
Electronics and More
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:07 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Problem with Access to Canopy network

To All,
I have a problem with about 15 users not able to access the net.  Their PC's network icon, lower right on quick launch toolbar - MS, has a yellow triangle w/!.  indicating that their ethernet interface has no access.  Each user has MS7. 
This is specific to one tower location and three of the four sectors, 2 Canopy 900's w/180* sectors, 2 Canopy 2.4's w/ 180* sectors.  At first we thought it was specific to MS7 Users, that is still the case.  However, not all MS7 users.  The setup of all CPE & AP devices is the same.
We have reset one 900 to factory default and reconfig'd that device with no affect on the ability to access the net.
Any suggestions, advice, questions or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Ron Wallace
Hahnron, Inc. (Tigernet Internet)
Phone:        517-547-8410
Cel:            517-740-0941

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