Dear Members,


It is amazing to be a small business enterprise and be the captain of your
own ship.  


I can personally state that sometimes this independence does not always have
smooth sailing and maybe we question our judgment.  But it clearly takes a
"certain" individual or company to become a WISP.  

This is not an 'easy' industry.  Never the less, as the captains of our own
ships, this industry clearly has the drive and "like mindedness" to succeed.


In my years in this industry, it is clear that some fail, as well as some
become a sterling example of what I consider my industry is primarily made
of, girt, fortitude, honesty, common sense, gumption, imaginativeness (check
it out, it is a word =), resourcefulness ... oh well, you get the picture =)


With that said, I have to make my comment.  

It is one as an individual and not necessarily representing the views of the
board of directors.


The Century Link FCC filing is a direct attack on our industry and what our,
sometimes small, enterprises stand for.  


The Century Link filing, in my opinion and it has been mentioned, a clear
sign of weakness on their part and shows their dependency on .gov subsidies.
In this aspect is a victory for WISPA!  


Yet it is slanderous document that WISPA and the individuals accused must


As an elected member of the WISPA board of directors, I can assure you that
the board is addressing these issues and considers this a priority.


I am leaving you with this ... because I am a geek, it is a Marine thing, it
is a favorite, and in this situation it is TOTALLY appropriate!


Enjoy your Independence Day weekend, be proud of who you are, and don't
catch anything on fire! =))



Victoria Proffer




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