Well, It really depends.

We found them to be extremely inconsistent. We actually host a 
speedtest.net server just for this reason.

We found on very fast connections (Like.. 100Mb/s and above) that they are 
completely inaccurate. Where is on normal connections (10-30Mb/s) they seem 
to be pretty close. We take iperf (Or mikrotik speedtest) results over all 
That being said, We generally find when the site based speed tests are 
extremely low for multiple users there is normally a problem. Even if its 
hard to see at first.

Have this customer test to a few different locations. Then let him download 
a large zip file from your own network (Like a webserver off your BGP edge 
routers) and compare.

Nick Olsen
Network Operations (855) FLSPEED  x106

 From: "Bret Clark" <bcl...@spectraaccess.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 3:22 PM
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: [WISPA] Internet Speed test..are they inaccurate with wireless?

We mostly deal with business customer and guarantee bandwidth to customers. 
We validate the bandwidth using IPERF from a Linux server off of our BGP 
edge routers down to the customer and IPERF always shows the customer 
getting the bandwidth they signed up for.  We use QoS to control bandwidth 
and make sure to not oversubscribe any one link....small ratios of 3:1. 

Of course eventually at some point the customer runs one of those stupid 
bandwidth test on the Internet and the results are woefully inaccurate (not 
in our favor)...but  of course customers take the results as gospel. 

It's not our internet connections, we have three 100Mbps BGP links and none 
of them run at more then 50% during peak loads.

Has anyone else found those Internet speed test to be woefully inaccurate? 
Or is something else going on that I'm missing?  


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