Square is convenient, but expensive as far as those things go. And I'd bet
if you used it with a Euro based system, it would cost even more for the
conversion if it would even work. You might be better off negotiating a
deal with IP Pay or Pro Pay, or even Authorize.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Matt Jenkins <m...@smarterbroadband.net>wrote:

>  Not sure if this works in Europe. https://squareup.com/
> On 10/17/2012 07:55 AM, Paolo Di Francesco wrote:
> Hi Mike
> I tried for a couple of months to work on the setup with them, then I
> guess they gave up :(
> Do you advice them? If so I will try again to find a solution directly
> with them...
> Thanky ou
>  I don't suppose IP Pay is available in Europe?
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutionshttp://www.ics-il.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paolo Di Francesco" <paolo.difrance...@level7.it> 
> <paolo.difrance...@level7.it>
> To: "Chuck Hogg" <ch...@shelbybb.com> <ch...@shelbybb.com>
> Cc: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org> <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 9:33:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] [off topic] Anything better than Paypal?
> Hi Chuck
> first of all thank you for your considerations.
> Unfortunately having a merchant account here (Europe) is not as easy as
> I thought. the thing is that all the times I went to a bank asking to
> start with the process they were telling me "why do you want this? your
> volumes are so low, stay with paypal..."
> But if I do not have a decent merchant account, how should I start
> accepting the money with credit cards? It sounds like a chicken-egg
> problem...
> At the same time I feel (not 100%) that something is going lost with
> paypal and that is stopping the business growing. I had issues with
> walled gardens and when I do the tests with the sandbox I have the
> feeling something is not working there. I know it's not the same system
> as the production one, but right now the sandbox is giving me a lot of
> issues...
> Thank you
>  Paolo:
> In dealing with European payments, it has been my experience that there
> are alternatives to Paypal, but they are not much better, if any at all.
>    Google Checkout might be the best alternative.  I used to use AlertPay
> as well, but it got bought out by Payza.  Then there's moneybookers
> that's on it's way to being re-branded as Skrill.
> Here's one thing I came to realize.  If you are willing to pay the
> $25-50 per month to accept transactions, you are better off getting a
> full blown merchant account.  They are almost as easy to get accepted as
> Paypal without the hassles.
> Regards,
> Chuck
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Paolo Di Francesco
> <paolo.difrance...@level7.it <mailto:paolo.difrance...@level7.it> 
> <paolo.difrance...@level7.it>> wrote:
>      Hi All
>      I am looking for a new "paypal" like system for European merchants. The
>      ideal would be somebody who will not ask me a merchant-id (paypal does
>      not ask for that) and that has a good payment gateway.
>      I know there are many around but for low volumes and micropayments I
>      think it would be nice to not pay a fixed monthly fee
>      Lately I feel that paypal is not serving us as expected and therefore I
>      wanted to see if there could be an alternative
>      Thank you
>      --
>      Ing. Paolo Di Francesco
>      Level7 s.r.l. unipersonale
>      Sede operativa: Largo Montalto, 5 - 90144 Palermo
>      C.F. e P.IVA  05940050825
>      Fax : +39-091-8772072 <tel:%2B39-091-8772072>
>      assistenza: (+39) 091-8776432 <tel:%28%2B39%29%20091-8776432>
>      web: http://www.level7.it
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