Yes, I was venting frustration more than anything. I have heard people on
the forums discussing their fees for such a lookup.

I have never heard of anybody who has charged a "lookup fee" for DMCA
request who has actually be paid / had the requestee go further than the
initial email/letter (now including this list).

Note: Those same people do charge for CALEA requests as well, but those
*do* get paid.

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Hass, Douglas A. <> wrote:

> Well, let's not get carried away. :-) $1 million would certainly exceed
> the "reasonable costs" that you incur (and can charge) for compliance with
> the civil subpoena. Your ability to recover your reasonable cost for a
> civil subpoena does not come from the DMCA, btw. That is part of the
> federal rules that apply generally for all non party civil subpoenas.
> Going overboard with fee requests for a DMCA notice could give the
> copyright holder an argument that you are not making a good-faith effort to
> comply with the safe harbor provisions, too. Tread carefully, and get some
> legal advice before considering massive cost requests.
> ------ Original message ------
> From: Josh Reynolds
> Date: 6/3/2013 5:28 PM
> To:;
> Subject:Re: [WISPA] Blocking Torrents (RE: Justin Wilson)
> So what if your resolution has been to direct them to your DCMA complaints
> webpage (with clearly defined process), and the requestee has never
> provided the information required to "retrieve the information"?
> There is nothing in the law that says you can't charge 1 million USD per
> complain request notification, AND it would stop these trolls who are suing
> grandmothers for millions when their computers are infected with a botnet.
> The thing about 99.9% of these requests, is that they are literally as bad
> or worse than patent trolling. They send out thousands of these requests
> every day just to see "who bites", with the objective being for them to
> collect money either in or out of court. They know that when grandma on her
> fixed income tries to fight back, that they will bury her in debt in court
> even if she wins.
> The entire process is automated in most cases, which is how they often end
> up sending DCMA complaints to themselves (google it).
> I'm all for protecting your IP, but this stuff has Got To Stop.
> (Sorry for slightly O/T, but this is relevant to the discussion from the
> ISP prospective.)
> --
> Josh Reynolds
> WISP Engineering Liaison
> Performant Networks
> phone (305) 968-6351
> email<>
> []
> Douglas A. Hass
> Associate
> 312.786.6502
> Franczek Radelet P.C.
> 300 South Wacker Drive
> Suite 3400Chicago,IL 60606
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*Josh Reynolds*

WISP Engineering Liaison
Performant Networks
phone (305) 968-6351


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