That looks about right, it varies by state/locality of course. We collect
Federal USF, State use tax, state and county E911. The USF you get to
pocket until your required contributions are $10k/year - under that you are
considered "de minimus" and just have to file the annual form.

When we set up our billing the Telecom Relay Fund passed under our radar so
now we're just paying for that out of pocket. I'm not sure if you are
allowed to collect that specifically from your customers as well.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Jeremy <> wrote:

> I am attempting to figure out all of the taxes for VoiP and the main thing
> that has me confused is the Universal Service Fund.  It seems that my state
> (Utah) has a USF of 0.45% 
> Then it also seems like the Feds want 15.1%??  That is huge!
> Then there is sales and use tax of
> *State Sales & Use -* 4.7%
> *Municipality Sales & Use - *varies - see
> Then we have E911:
> *E911 State -* .08
> *E911 County -* .61
> *Poison Control -* .07
> *-------------------------------*
> *Total for E911 -* .76
> Then, since October 2011 we are also liable for the *Telecommunications
> Relay Fund* - .06
> <>
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