I appreciate the info. The guy is is insistent on this structure, I am not. But 
he does have some money. From what I see they look cheesy, at least online. But 
what do you do


From: Bob Moldashel 
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 6:02 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] decoy tower


These are NOT cheap.  

A few things to consider...

1. Because of the "branches" coming off of the main mast you have increased 
wind loading which means beefier pole and larger/deeper foundation.

2. At wifi freqs (2.4 and 5 Ghz) there is no real concern.  At licensed freqs 
especially 23/24 Ghz you will need "branches and leaves" that are RF adapted 
for the spectrum.  Standard branches will attenuate the heck out of your signal 
at higher freqs. 

3. They are a PITA to work on.  You need a manlift or large bucket truck to get 
access to antennas, etc.  Its almost impossible to use a crane with a suspended 
manbasket.  Some are climbable but they still suck to work on.

You should count on spending 20-30% more than you would on a standard monopole. 
 Go back to the tower design if you can unless of course you have deep 


On 12/30/2013 6:18 PM, heith petersen wrote:

  Curious is anyone has deployed a decoy tower, palm tree looking, with decent 
success and who is a good distributor/manufacturer. I have never seen one in 
person and we have a situation where we don’t really need one but would likely 
look a lot better than a traditional tower



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