On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 01:59:56PM -0000, Douglas Pratley wrote:

> This is a patch adding items to the context menus for the packet list 
> and packet details panes for copying packet data to the clipboard.

Looking good so far.  I fixed a few warnings about unused variables.  
BTW, if you have a function call that takes a parameter that it doesn't 
use you can put _U_ after it and Wireshark's compilation process will 
expand that to code that tells (gcc at least) not to warn about that.

> I'm not convinced that Base64 is useful; I wanted to implement a 
> non-trivial encoding to test a particular path through the code.

Instead of encoding the contents into base64, decoding a stream of 
base64 data and placing the decoded data in the clipboard would be very 

> I have not updated any documentation because I cannot find a 
> description of what context menu items do anywhere (main menu items 
> are listed in the man page). If I should have done, please let me 
> know.

The documentation here needs to be updated with new screenshots and 
You can find this chapter in the source as 


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