>> Hi,
>> I've recently built a Windows installer for a version of Wireshark 1.0.2
>> with a couple of my own plugins added in. When I run setup.exe on the
>> machine with VS2005EE installed it installs fine and my version of
>> Wireshark runs without any problems. When I try to copy the setup.exe
>> onto another XP machine though then it installs fine but when I try to
>> it I get an error saying the application configuration is incorrect.
>> Checking the event viewer, XP reports a "Resolve Partial Assembly failed
>> for Microsoft.VC80.CRT" error. I've tried to look for solution to fix
>> problem and most people recommend installing vcredist_x86.exe and.NET
>> framework 2. I have done this but I'm still getting the same error and am
>> now at a loss as to what to do.
> Are you sure you have the right vcredist_x86.exe installed? There are
> separate versions for Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, 2005 Express
> Edition SP1, and 2008 Express Edition. The target machine needs to have
> a vcredist_x86.exe installed that exactly matches you compiler.

Thank you so much, that has fixed the problem and has saved me from going 
down the road of copying dlls around and editing manifest files as some of 
the more complex workarounds on the Web suggest.

Thanks again,

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