On 27/04/2010 05:38, ankur madan wrote:
> So,is there any other solution for this problem.due to some reason i
> have 2 work on VS 2005 only.looking forward for a response.
There are three main issues you will face when trying to compile
Wireshark with VS2005:

1)  The makefiles and sources attempt to conditionally compile code
based on the compiler version.  IMHO this is wrong and it should be
based on the SDK in use.  After all, you can use the latest (Win7) SDK
with VS2005.  These are mainly around the area of file dialogs, and IPV6

2) Compiler behavioural differences, this leads to odd errors with
compilation like the one you ran into

3)  Some 3rd party libraries are linked with c run-times that are later
than those supplied with VS2005 (Lua).  This means that the code will
compile and link but at runtime an error will be generated.  The
solution here is to specify earlier versions of the library (5.1 for
Lua) in config.nmake.

I don't know if some of these issues have been solved and I only carry
the changes in my local working copy for historical purposes, but they
allow me to build a working Wireshark with VS2005 (obviously I don't see
any 802.15.4 frames).

I don't have the time to push these changes upstream (particularly the
changes to use the SDK version not the compiler as they are extensive),
especially as VS2005 is now 2 versions off the latest compilers.  I can
attach a patch that includes all my changes if you wish.


Graham Bloice

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